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*not really sure how to continue





"Gah!!! Why hell did you hit me, Ayame~!?"

"You insensitive idiot. You know exactly what was that for. At least have some tact when giving such a big news" she scolded

"Seriously an idiot" Hakudoshi scoff while also squeezing Zero's hand

Aidou who was silent since the beginning cannot take it anymore and with full of curiosity and wonder, he finally ask "If Kiryu Zero died as Inuyasha, are you telling us, he is the reincarnation of this Inuyasha?"

"Oh! It seems we have some genius boy here."she cooed while Aidou sputter on indignation. "You are right but that's also not quite right little boyya. Reincarnation is a new life of a person who died. A new life, a new person, no matter how the soul is the same, they are still different from each other."

"Yah, we're friend with someone who is the reincarnation of someone we also know, but the two of them are completely different." Koga added

"On Zero's side, he is indeed reincarnated. But instead of a new life, a fresh start, the life of Inuyasha still continue within him. Zero, little by little, start to remember his life as Inuyasha." She then walk behind Zero, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Not only that. Despite in a new body, born between a human/hunter; same with his memories, his blood, his yokai, are also now starting to awaken." Giving a comforting grip on his shoulder, she continue "Inuyasha is a Hanyou, a taboo child, born between the union of a human and yokai. And now, Zero, with his blood and Yokai being awaken, he is now also turning back into a Hanyou." Taking a step back, she pause to give them time to digest this information.

After some long minutes of silence, Aidou ask once again. "So does him being a Hanyou, a taboo child, make him the bringer of chaos? Is that the reason why that snake and spider monster came here for him?"

"Oh, nononono boyya! We're just getting in that part. Being a Hanyou doesn't make you something as such as big as bringer of chaos. Even though yokai are naturally cruel and chaotic, that alone cannot be someone who can be called as bringer of chaos by us Yokai. Hanyou are basically seen as lesser, weak, pathetic, defective, something that should not be alive. They are rejected by both human and Yokai alike. Killed by Yokai, driven away by human, it's rare for them to live so long."

"But mutt-face is different. Mutt....Inuyasha is the son of a great demon, an inu-Daiyokai. His father's blood are much stronger, making him stands amongst the most powerful demons and have an immense amount of demonic power. I've seen and experience it myself, how he can fight against and defeat any full blooded demons and even a DaiYokai."

"But being a Hanyou is still a weakness for Inuyasha. The blood of his father run stronger through his vein, making his yokai stronger than himself."

"Our yokai is the embodiment of our truer instinct, our predatory instinct. It's more crueler, and more savage than ourselves. Our Yokai is the Demon's True Nature"

"That's why, Inuyasha's Yokai is danger to himself. Because yōki, our demonic energy, is toxic to humans, Inuyasha's half-human body and mind couldn't handle the power he inherited from his father. Being a half yokai, his life is always in danger, and when it is put in danger, his Yokai want to take over more. His demon blood overwhelms him into a whirlwind of rage whose sole purpose is destruction."

"Inuyasha's Yokai was incapable of feeling pain, fear, compassion, or mercy; he only feels rage and hedonistic bloodlust, which, coupled with his predatory instinct, he don't discriminate between friend and foe, he attack and kill anyone in his way. That is what his Yokai is."

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