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*sorry for the looooooooong wait. It's starting to get busy and it would probably take a lot of time to update the other next chapter. But don't worry, I will not abandon this story(probably......?) and I kinda forgot.........sorry

*Anyway, please enjoy


Walking down the step unhurriedly, Zero.... with a calm look on his face, stand infront of the door leading to a deserted entrance hall.

"So...... You really came. You can sense me, because there's a bond between us. Even though those eyes are different, they're still the same beautiful eyes from the past.... You are still my dear Zero." Maria greet as she stare at those beautiful golden eyes.

Zero walk closer, taking out his Bloody Rose and point it at her

She smile warmly at him. "It fills the emptiness in my heart now. You.....finally came to kill me."


At the center of a carnage of different type of Yokai corpse, Sesshomaru calmly wipe the blood splatter on his face, not caring at all at the bloody scene he created himself.

"Sesshomaru-sama?" Carefully called his loyal follower, Jaken

'Sesshomaru-sama seems to be in a bad mood recently. It seems it have to do with Him' he thought as he cautiously stay in the distance, careful not to catch the irritation of his Lord.


"Y-yes Sesshomaru-sama?!"

"Return to the western palace, you're in charge until I came back"

"If I may be bold, where- Sesshomaru-sama? Sesshomaru-sama!!!" Before he could ask, Sesshomaru already fly away, leaving Jaken in that place full of corpses


As for Sesshomaru, he clench his fist where his heart is located.


Feeling unpleasant inside, his Yokai pace in irritation and anger, as his bond with his little brother is being disturb.


"What are you waiting for? Pull the trigger, Zero."

At this, Zero only smirk, not listening to her.

"You think I'm that naive not to know your trick?.... I know I can't pull this trigger. The bond between us won't allow me to kill you right now. You only want to see the despair in my eyes as I fight the hold you have with me."

"He he.... That's right" she giggle as she step closer, invading his space, reaching her hand as she hold his face closer "I am your master. I gave you life as a vampire. You....are my faithful servant. You cannot kill me...."

Zero coldly laugh "Haha. Servant?" He tilt her chin, making them face to face with each other. "Hio, one of the things I hated the most.....is being bound against my will. You...cannot have me."

"You're the first one who hasn't yielded to me. Good boy.... You make me so happy"

"Heh, then why don't you go back to your real body? Let's finish this and find out if you can bind me completely to you." He then shove her and then...


"Shizuka-sama!!!" Someone shout as they suddenly jump down, appearing infront of him and slice his chest, making Zero stagger back, holding his bleeding chest.

Just outside the room..... Kaname once again smell the sweet scent of blood, making his eyes unconsciously glow red briefly before turning back to normal.

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