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"I can't believe Kiryuu-kun is a vampire" Kain said in disbelief, breaking the silent in the the living room where all the noble inner circle of Kuran Kaname wait for their leader.

"The attack of Kiryuu family four years ago. I guess he didn't survive it like everyone thought he had" Takuma solemnly said

"No. He didn't. It's probably Hio Shizuka-sama who turned him. So he was turned after all, it was very odd for him to survive when his parents had not." Aidou said after the shock finally settle in

And before they can continue, the door open. Kuran Kaname walk in followed by Seiren.

"Kaname-sama" Takuma greeted, slightly bowing in respect.

Kaname look at them as they wait patiently for him to talk.

"As you all already know, Kiryuu Zero is a turned vampire. We have talk and came into a decision that he will transfer into the night class starting today" he then turn serious, addressing them like he's going to give an order "he's a hunter and also a vampire so I know that this will be hard on both party and be all weary with each other, but I hope that you all stick to the rules, no fighting with the hunter, and no matter how much you want to harm him, you shall not. Understood?"

"Yes, Kaname-sama" they all answer

He then gave one last glance before making his way upstair.

"Ah, about the two guest of Kiryuu. Do not fight with them also."


Minutes later, after their leader has left

"So...... Kiryuu-kun is coming here." Shiki started as he stand up from the couch walking toward the stairs, intend to go back to his room. "Yeah. This should be interesting" Rima continue as she follow while eating a pocky

"Whatever, it's pretty late, I'm going to sleep" Ruka also left

They all agreed, they were all tired, specially from this day's events. They all made their way up to their room.


Outside the moon dorm, stand a certain silver haired hunter vampire wearing a white uniform, beside him is bag and the two wolves waiting patiently. Lilac eye stare at the double door as he unconsciously rub the head of one of the wolf. He sigh and when he think of finally stepping forward, both doors unexpectedly open slowly, and awaiting inside are the Pureblood and the vice president, Ichijo Takuma.

"Welcome to the night class, Kiryuu-kun."


"What's the meaning of this headmaster!? Why did you send Zero to the night class?" Yuki ask desperately.

She now know what truly happened to Zero, the headmaster explained it that night, but.....

"I understand now that he has became a vampire, it's only natural for Zero to be in the Night class. But... what about Zero's feeling? He hates vampire so much." (Zero....Zero hate himself also....) She bowed her head to hide her tearing eyes

"Yuki, I know you care for Zero, but.... Zero accept it willingly."

"Zero, accept?" She ask unbelievably

"Yes. I'm also surprise when Zero accept to be transferred to the night class without even thinking of rejecting it or think of it negatively." He then get close to her, putting a hand on her shoulder giving support.
"It seem like we don't truly know Zero like we thought we would. Zero is a brave and a strong child. You are so sweet and so kind Yuki, but Zero need to face his own enemy."

"I-...." She bite her lip and clench her fist. "I .... understand". 'I don't! Why do we need to leave Zero alone!? Zero is suffering.'(are you sure?) 'Zero need me by his side.' (no he don't. You're just selfish) 'I.....I won't leave Zero alone' (he doesn't need you. You just want him by your side because your selfish)

"I'm so glad Yuki! Now that's settled, why don't......bla....bla....bla"

After that night, Yuki never seen Zero the whole day until the next day

While on the night class, Zero and the wolves settled down on his own room after threatening to shoot on anyone who try to mess with him.

He stare at the full moon while petting one of the wolf resting on his lap. No one, not even him notice that the eyes staring at the moon right this instance are golden with a black slit.


A man in a trench coat sporting a wide brimmed cowboy style hat with a cigarette hanging from his mouth and wearing an eye patch, was walking in one of the alley in town when suddenly, he pull out a shot gun on his back then shoot above him.

He's Yagari Toga, one of the top ranked vampire hunter.

A body fall infront of him then turned into ash. Another three level E vampire appear then with three consecutive shot, all three turn to ashes. He then continue to walk away, when.....

"Wow, your good mister" he turn and shoot so fast when a purple barrier stop his bullet. When he look clearly, two children was standing inside the barrier, a boy and a girl.

He narrowed his eyes looking at two unusual children. The young boy, given his size, somewhere between 8 and 11. He has pale skin and purple eyes. His hair was light lilac down to the middle of his back in length with scraggly bangs framing his face. He's wearing a white kimono with dark gray and pink lines, yellow and blue buttons in front, and barefooted. Also, he's holding a naginata which is unusual in the hand of a child.

Beside him is the young girl, approximately 8 years old, She has pale skin, white hair with two white flowers on either side, and black eyes with no irises. She wears a white dress with white bow ties on both sides of the chest, and the sleeves. And she also wears a white sandals.

The boy feels non human but, it's the girl that agitated him which he doesn't show. Because the boy can be explain if he's one of them (even though it's feels so wrong and different) but the girl, even among the pureblood, no one can just mask their scent, presence or their aura so completely they felt like nothing, void, null.

He point his gun at them "what the hell do you think you're doing, vampire" he said even though he felt it's wrong.

"Haha..... You know very well that we are not one of those bloodsucker Mister." The boy laugh "that weapon is useless against us."

"Then what are you? Monsters? Demons?" he question, and he got another laugh

"You're really good mister." Then the boy suddenly disappear and appear infront of him so instantly that he shot another bullet but was stop by the barrier again. "Hahaha... No need to worry mister, I'm just playing with you." He smiled cruelly, raising his naginata when,

"Hakudoshi" the girl call blankly, that's when the boy stop.

"Mou~ nee-san~ it's not like I'm going to kill him." He raise an eyebrow at this statement, did he really think he can kill him so easily. "You feel it too right, nee-san? It felt weak but there's a bond there. Is it because it's not complete, or...... because he's human?"

He frown in confusion, what are these two talking about? Bond?

"Ne~ mister, what's your name? We don't usually care about any insignificant human or any weaker creature but you've pick our interest."

"...... shouldn't you introduce yourself first then, brats."

"Hmm..? Oh! Right, if there's no bond I would have killed you already, either way, I am Hakudoshi." The boy introduce

"Kanna" the girl next

"Hajimemashite, ningen"


*some ooc, hope you don't mind

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