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this suprise lando had put together was beautiful, i had to upload a photo of it.

this suprise lando had put together was beautiful, i had to upload a photo of it

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story by @nessabarett

we spent the entire night talking about our futures and what we want to accomplish, landos being a world champion and mine winning a grammy. i have to say he was very interesting, i also found out he had a love for golf and he was very good at it apparently, although ill have to see when he gives me the lessons he agreed to. we sat there eating lots of chocolate and a disgusting amount of greasy takeaway that we ordered to the hotel. i didn't realise two drunk people could stomach this much food...

"so tell me, tell me your deepest darkest secret" lando asked.

this was a hard question, ive been through a lot in my life and done a tonne of stupid things.

"erm i have a crazy abusive ex boyfriend that nobody else knew was abusive because he's such a famous artist that if i ever spoke about him, he'd be able to sue me just like that and i'd be left with nothing". i replied, not even knowing why id just said that, i could have just said "i ate my bogeys as a kid" or something but no, i went to that.

i could tell that angered lando, not entirely sure why because he had no idea who i was even on about.

"who?" he demanded like my life depended on that answer.

"you'll find out one day, not even trin knows the full story, she knows parts of it but nobody else knows the full story. but when i feel like it's right to tell you, i will." i promised him. "so tell me you're deepest secret i questioned."

"well, i once peed in the car" lando let out and before either of us could process what he just said, we burst out laughing.

we laid in my bed watching the inbetweeners, i'd never seen it personally but lando inisted and said it was an amazing show, i thought it was pretty funny.
my mind was racing about what i had just said to lando, the truth was i didn't want to tell him because i knew he knew him, everyone knew him, he's unbelievably famous. on every billboard you could imagine and selling out every stadium possible. it wasn't wasn't good for him to know, although i knew he would make an appearance back in my life at some point, he always does when i move on.
i'd dated a few people here and there since me and him ended, nothing serious or public but every single time he managed to ruin them.

"jesus it's getting late, i should probably head back" lando sighed.
"you can stay if you'd like?" i gave him the saddest eyes imaginable, looking like a puppy that had just had its favourite toy taken away.
he let out a smile that almost seemed like he wanted me to say that.

a few hours passed and we spent the entire night watching his favourite british shows, some i had seen and some i had not, either way they were hilarious. i love england, especially london, i just thought it was such a beautiful place, i dont understand why everyone hates england so much.

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