The Battle of the Second Monastery

Start from the beginning

Lloyd: What is that thing?

Zane: When I interfaced with it, it self-identified as the "Monastery of Imperium". It shares similarities with our own Monastery of Spinjitzu.

Nya: Any tips you're not sharing on how to bust these things up?

Lloyd: You can't. They're indestructible.

Christina: Oh. That's an important detail. You were gonna mention that when?

Lloyd: We're buying time. Sora and Arin still have a plan, I think.

Y/N: You think!? Where the heck are they!?

Lloyd: I don't know, their coms are down, but I hope that Arin and Sora have a plan.


(The battle continues. Wyldfyre creates a Heat wall to block the Photac Beasts. Kai uses his Fire to attack.)

Wyldfyre: Not bad, Fire! But don't worry. I'll give you some pointers later.

Kai: What? (To Lloyd) There can't be two Elemental Masters of Fire at the same time. It's impossible! Also, it's rude.

Christina: Oh yeah? Do you remember that one time when Morro was a ghost and he had the same wind powers as me?

Kai: Oh right, I guess I forgot.

Lloyd: I can't make sense of it either, which is pretty much how everything's been going for me lately.

Zane: (He creates an ice wall around them.) I have calculated our odds of winning this battle.

Kai: Oh, fun. I'm guessing they're pretty solid.

Zane: Retreat is our only option.

Lloyd: Retreat to where? We're trapped in the middle of Imperium.

Zane: The second monastery. Its fortified walls will keep the Photacs out. At least temporarily.

Wyldfyre: No retreat! No surrender!

Kai: The impossible kid's right. We're in this fight, so let's fight.

Lloyd: I still can't raise Arin and Sora on the comms, and our only hope is to give them time for their plan. Barricading ourselves in the monastery could buy us that time.

Wyldfyre: Fine. Let's do your cowardly plan. (She roars.) Dragons, attack! Dragons, go!

(She leads the dragons into the monastery.)

B/N: (He and Lloyd sees Y/N running in a different direction) Y/N where are you going?

Y/N: I'm going to find Arin and Sora, just go in the second monastery!

Lloyd: Be careful Y/N.

(Y/N runs away while the others goes to the second monastery)

Rapton: Oh, no you don't. (He fires a missile, but Nya closes the door in time.)

Ras: You can't hide from us, ninja! Even in there!

Dr. LaRow: Lord Ras! Lord Ras! I ... I come bearing bad news. Uh, the prisoners we had? Not exactly imprisoned anymore.

Ras: Free? All you had to do was babysit them! (He has about to leave but sees Y/N running to Imperium Palace.) That life ninja girl kid is about to help out the other kids! (He leaves and follows Y/N to the Imperium Palace.)

(Y/N was still running to the Imperium Palace trying to signal Arin and Sora)

Y/N: Arin! Sora! Come in! (She sees Ras chasing after her) Oh for the love of the first Spinjitzu master not him! Come on Y/N think what would a fast and sneaky ninja do? (Y/N recalls when she and B/N were running somewhere safe before the merge, she ran into a vent for a shortcut and climbs through it and finds her way in the imperium palace before Ras did) Arin? Sora? Riyu? where are you guys? (She hears fighting in a room and runs in the room and sees Arin, Sora and Riyu, In the room, Arin and Sora hide from Jordana's attacks while Y/N waits for her to attack.)

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