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Gavis pov:

I'm not really sure when pedri became like this but he did. Ever since Amara left, he's been off. He'd be fine for some days then he'd have these long periods where he's unrecognizable, and the bad way.

I know that hatred is one of the phases when going through a breakup but I didn't know how extreme it was. He avoids and destroys everything about her. Even the slightest thing with a similar name as hers makes him go insane. He blocks every sight of her. Every.single.thing.

However, there is this one girl he appears to be normal with. Honestly I think it's because she kinda looks like Amara but i cant say.  He won't admit it and whenever you'd bring up that fact, he'd become so angry. Her name was Thea. He met her at the club when we went out a few weeks ago. I knew he wasn't being himself and if Amara ever saw him like this, she'd be feared for life.

I cant remember the last time I saw Amara. She avoids my birthdays because of him. Even though she doesn't say it, I know it. It's okay. At least I see her a couple times throughout the year. And I still can't process the fact that she's dating jude. Out of everyone, jude. It's crazy. I don't think she's sane either.

In all honesty, I still do love her though. And not just platonically. The day I first met her at that cafe til today, she still gives me the same feeling of curiosity and butterflies. I couldn't admit it to her though. I try all the time to move on by meeting new girls but it's impossible. She truly is one of a kind. I've never met a girl so beautiful and so full of life. She was so home-like. She was understanding, calm and kind. It's hard to find that in a woman these days. And on top of all that she had great humor. I know pedri dated her but I liked her first. So now all I can do is admire her from a distance, even if it meant that we'd only be friends. As long as she's in my sight and she's happy, even if it wasn't my jokes she laughed at or simply with me, I still loved her the same.

A/N: guys pls vote if I should continue this story (I feel like a beggar for asking this😪😓💔) bc Idk If I should continue it thanks :)

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