Ana keeps trying, sending the barrels back more and more from the force and cheering for herself. However, that victory is short lived, because when it's halfway to the barrel, one of the blunter spikes curves to the right and heads to the railing where Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy are fishing.

"OH FUCK, CAP! DOC! DUCK!" she yells out.

"Where?" they ask.

The three of them turn their heads, but it was too late because the attack hits Luffy on the back, luckily not hurting him much, since Anamaria had melted it down a bit to blunt the end of it before it reached them, and sends him flying in a spin. Usopp and Chopper drop their jaws at how their captain flew ten feet off the ship in an instant, before Ana catches him inside a bubble of water, weakening him but saving him from drowning.

"Sorry cap" Ana sighed in relief as she let the boy catch his breath on the deck.

"Don't worry about it, that move was great" Luffy grins at the woman as he feels his feet placed back on the deck.

"You guys catch anything?" Ana asked the other two as they tried fishing.

"No..." Chopper frowns in disappointment as she reels his line back in to show nothing.

"Yea, they're not biting" Usopp sighs in disappointment as he reels his line in to show the same result.

"I'll take care of it" Ana says as she pulls her clothes over her body and revealing her bikini making Sanji's nose bleed "Nami, could ya get me some other clothes?"

The navigator looked over to her as Anamaria sat on the railing of the ship, ready to dive down, as she hands her the tattered clothes from the lightning in Skypiea.

"Wait Ana!" Chopper shouted.

"I'm already healed doc. It's fine" Anamaria smiled before bringing her fingers to her lips and whistling "Sable! Come on ya scaled slug. Ya need to take a bath" the large snake hissed as she came out of the room she had been sleeping in.

"Is it me, or did she get larger?" Robin and Nami stared at the size of the snake.

"I 'ope not, or no yeah, I hope she does get bigger" Anamaria said as Sable slid down the railing and plopped into the water "We'll be back in a bit"

She too jumped off the railing and into the water with Fang at the ready as a makeshift fishing spear. As Anamaria and Sable splashed into the crystal-clear waters of the Grand Line, the brilliant sunlight filtered through the surface, casting a shimmering dance of light beneath.

The pirate's lithe form moved gracefully through the water, her skilled strokes propelling her forward with ease as well as with the help from the water. Her eyes were fixated on the vibrant marine life that inhabited these waters; each creature more fascinating than the last.

Sable, the colossal serpent, slithered alongside Anamaria, her massive body creating an imposing presence beneath the waves that made scores of fish swim away from them. Her scales glinted like polished emeralds, since the water lightened her sable colours under the light, as she glided through the water.

As they descended deeper into the aquatic world with Ana being able to hold her breath in for a long time (should I let her learn how to breath under water or just the whole making a bubble around her head to breathe underwater?), Anamaria couldn't help but think about the adventures that had brought her to this point.

The Straw Hat Pirates had become her family, and the mysteries of the Grand Line were her new home even as she sailed with the crew to look for a way back home which she somehow knew was impossible. She glanced at Sable, thankful for her company since the snake had helped her a lot along the way.

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