-: Blast into the Past :-

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Victoria's Pov

I'm just 15, never held hands or had my first kiss, and now my bi-self is stuck in a forever-dark dimension? Not cool.

I squint at the annoyingly bright light on my face. Wait, where's this light coming from? Shouldn't it be dark here? I open my eyes and, surprise, it's sunlight. Hope is lying next to me in the middle of a forest.

"What the heck?" I blurt out.

I sit on the ground, shaking Hope awake. She's just as confused as me.

"Where are we?" she asks.

"Your guess is as good as mine," I reply.

Hope stands up, using her wolf senses to find the way. "I smell people, food, and milkshakes."

I roll my eyes. "Milkshake enthusiast, lead the way."

After a few minutes of walking, we end up in front of Mystic Grill. But it's not the Mystic Grill we know—it looks old.

"This isn't right," I say, scanning the area.

"Look, is that..." Hope points to a blonde woman who turns around.

"Caroline Forbes," we say together.

I stop a guy passing by. "What day, date, and year is it?"

"Sunday, 28th Feb 2010," he replies.

"Okay, thanks," I say.

Hope gets excited. "You know what this means?"

"We're in the past," I say, confused.

"Yeah, and if I am not wrong, Mom's in her senior year. She's gonna meet our dads soon."

"But how did we end up here?" Hope wonders.

"What if we're here to help our family?" I suggest.

"Maybe," Hope shrugs. "We can try helping from the shadows."

"If we're staying here, we need stuff like birth certificates, a house, money, and an alias," I add.

Hope smiles. "What do you suggest, V?"

"From now on, we're Hope and Victoria Wright, exchange students from New Orleans," I grin.

"Very Elijah of you, V," Hope says, smiling. "Neither a full truth, nor a full lie."

"I am my father's daughter," I say, flipping my hair and winking at her.

"I am my father's daughter," I say, flipping my hair and winking at her

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Author' Note 

Hi Everyone *waves aggressively* 

Hope you are enjoying the second chapter of Sonder

Vote Comment and share guys

And Constructive criticism is always welcome and don't be shy to msg me privately.

Bye Cuties 👋


Sonder -N+E MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now