40. Healing?

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Seokjin opens his eyes with a lot of effort, the view is a blur. He closes his eyes, exhaustion fills him. He takes a few more breaths, his throat is dry it's difficult to produce a word. He feels the pain when his limb moves unconsciously, he feels pain everywhere. He finally opens his eyes, warm tears slide down.

The bright light in the room makes him annoyed, why can't he move his body, why is it painting so much? Seokjin tried to get up but the voice made him sleep back.

" No no no...seokjin please lay down again. You can't get up now."

It's Namjoon's voice that Seokjin recognizes before seeing him.

" why??" SeokJin's voice is hoarse. He needs water. Thanks to Joon for understanding, before he asks for it Namjoon helps him with taking sips of water.

" It's painful everywhere, Namjoon"

" I am so sorry, Seokjin. Doctors already gave the painkillers they can't exceed the dose. The burns on your body take time to heal. "

Seokjin tries to look down but he can't, as he feels pain in his chest too.

" SeokJin you got burns majorly on your legs, and arms some part of your abdomen and thigh too. First-degree burn on your face. It takes time to heal please, don't force yourself"

Oh, the burns....seokjin remembers the fire. The fire Jimin set in. Jimin? Where is he??

" Namjoon, where is jimin? How is he??"

Namjoon caresses SeokJin's hair, tucking it behind his ear not allowing them to come in contact with the burnt area.

" I'm sorry seokjin I think you should rest-"

" Please...you know I can't rest without knowing what happened. Tell me everything."

" Jimin sustained major burns and ....he....passed away yesterday. Your father died too....and your grandfather was charged with all his crimes and now facing the law. There is a high chance of him getting imprisonment for a lifetime. Kim lost everything.... power, money, reputation... everything. The media is praising your braveness and your fans want to hear from you"

" Jimin....jimin...he...Joon he was ill. Nobody knew he was ill. I would have not-"

" Stop seokjin. Stop blaming everything on yourself. All you did was save yourself. You are not responsible for anyone's bad choices. Jimin knew he was ill but refused to take treatment at the right time. It's not your fault. Please SeokJin. Please"

Seokjin shakes his head, he doesn't know how to convey it to Joon but he feels he is responsible for Jimin's death and he feels guilty.

Seokjin got to know it's been a week since the incident happened and he had been under sedation for the last 5 days. He also gets to know Jungkook who doesn't care before entering the house under fire is the one who saved Seokjin.

Taehyung and Hoseok visited him the next day. But Seokjin feels more burned out to meet people. It's all just too much to take in. Yoongi came to meet him on the day of discharge. Both don't know how to console each other. It never felt this strange to even look at each other.

Jungkook didn't visit him, but he came to the hospital every day and talked to doctors about Seokjin's progress. Namjoon would have mentioned to Jungkook about Seokjin's mental health and how it's burdening him to talk to people. Jungkook didn't push the boundary.

" you are never going to act? "

Taehyung asks, seokjin sends a message through his manager to his fans about how he will be putting an end to his career and leaving the country for some time. He didn't try to see the response knowing it might overwhelm him some more.

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