I found my dad, and we headed out to the car. I had a lot of stuff to do before I had to go to school tomorrow. Wash some clothes, finish that school work. I sighed, going back to school meant seeing Nicole. I wasn't ready for that, but I guess I had too.


The next day I got ready, with some jeans, and boots, and a nice sweater. I let my hair hand down my back. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"It is so nice being able to wear normal clothes." I said to myself, fixing my sweater. I pulled a beanie on over my head, and headed out of the house.

I got into the car, and drove slowly. I was really nervous. I pulled up to my regular parking spot. Catching myself looking for Andy's car. I knew she wouldn't be here, so i don't know why i even looked. I grabbed my bag, and put it on my shoulder. I began to limp to class slowly looking at my feet.

I looked up for a second, to spot Nicole, across campus talking to another student. My heart lurched forward, then dropped when she made eye contact with me. It was like I didn't exist. She looked only for a second then looked away. Nothing special like we once had, nothing there.

I clenched my fist, and headed to first period. I kept my head down the entire time. Not making eye contact with anyone. I finished my work until I was done, and the bell rang to dismiss us.

I headed over to her class. Debating on actualy going, but I told Joe that i would be there. I needed to be brave. What happened to the fearless Cam that once existed. I need her back.

I pulled the door open and strutted in like I owned the place. I sat down in the back where i normally sat, and to my surprise, Joe came and sat next to me.

"Hey, it's good to have you back."

I smiled cockily, "It's good to be back."

"Okay, class. We can welcome Cam back. She looks all healthy and fixed compared to the last time we saw her." I didn't make eye contact with Nicole as she spoke. I refused to look at her. I kept my head down on the paper in front of me.

She began the lecture, and I began working on the homework. I understood this already, and I didn't want to wait to for her to finish.

I put my pencil down, when i was finished with the work, Joe looked over at me. "You're finished already?"

I nodded.

"You didn't even take notes."

I smiled, "i'm just that smart." Tapping my temple with my pencil.

He laughed quietly. Ms. Ryan finished with her lecture. I looked out the window vacantly. "Cam, can you stay after class, to get you caught up?"

I looked over at her. Taking in her tired appearance. She didn't look very vibrant, like she hadn't been sleeping. I nodded, not that I had much choice in wheter I wanted to stay or not. I had to.

The bell rand dismissing everyone, Joe patted my shoulder and walked out. I sat in my desk, slowly putting my papers away.

"Come over here."

I blew out a heavy breath, feeling my palms begin to sweat. Raising my eyebrows at her as i approached her.

"Are you getting all of the material?"

"Yup." I handed her the homeowork.

"Oh," She looked almost disappointed, looking over my paper. "How are you feeling?" She looked up with her tired green eyes, making my heart melt.

"I'm fine." I refused for her to see me faulter. I slung my bag over my shoulder. "Anything else?"

She looked down and nodded, almost sad. It was pitiful. I wanted to touch her face. To make her smile, but honeslty did she deserve it? She hurt me, she spend all that time with me, and then I was like nothing to her. I wanted to punch her, something, though I knew that was wrong. She was right in way. She was my teacher, but was it so wrong when it felt so right to be with her?

"I'm sorry." She looked in my eyes, pleading for me to say something.

It almost broke me, I wanted to crash my lips on hers. I just nodded instead, looking down at my hands. Tears started to spill down my cheeks, and I turned around and began walking out.

I felt a tug on my hand, spinning me around. "Nicole," I said weakly, my legs and arms trembling uncontrollably. She was inches away from me.

Her hand pushed a strand of hair away from my face, she gently wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Please, just stop," came out barely audible. I couldn't move my hands to pull away. My body was frozen.

Her sweet breath was on my face, I could see water forming in her eyes, "I've missed you, I haven't been sleeping. I was worried about you." One small tear fell down her cheek, her lip quivered. "I'm sorry."

The roller coaster of emotions was tearing me apart. I didn't know what to do.

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