Chapter 19 - Goals

Start from the beginning

My strategy, in dealing with Ai, was straightforward. I planned to downplay my capabilities, portraying myself as a somewhat intelligent person who yearned for a quiet, uneventful existence. The story itself isn't unbelievable, and I doubt that she would find any reason to distrust me. This way, I could lessen her doubts and reassure her that there was nothing out of the ordinary. It was important to keep her in line, as she was not an exceptionally intelligent or perceptive individual. It was simply unfortunate circumstances beyond my control, luck, and sloppiness on my side that had brought me to this point. If Koenji hadn't said what he said, and Kushida hadn't been so idiotic as to vent in a roof where everyone was privy to, I'm sure Ai's suspicions would have remained that way. But there was some responsibility on my part as well. I saw Ai as a redudancy, didn't foresee her ability, and pretended to be impenetrable. Of course, I was, but I needed to be more cautious in my actions.

Ai: "What now?" The voice of Ai was more confused now then fearful. The situation had shifted quite dramatically. I turned my head towards Kushida before I spoke.

Kiyotaka: "I'll send you a message regarding a favour later."

Kushida's crumpled form lay silent on the rooftop, a stark testament to the dismantling of the meticulously crafted image she once projected. The light scowl that lingered on her face reflected a feeble resistance, a futile attempt to retain a semblance of control. It struck me as almost comical-the remnants of power she clung to, despite the revelations that had left her utterly defeated. This victory, unexpected and unintentional, echoed with a subtle irony that hung in the air.

Kiyotaka: "And by the way, the study materiel you provided was excellent. I appreciate it."

Turning away from the fallen facade, I allowed my posture to ease into a state of relaxation. The rooftop, witness to the unraveling drama, became the stage for contemplation. My purpose here had concluded, and the soft resonance of Ai's footsteps behind me indicated her unspoken decision to follow. Meanwhile, Kushida lingered on the rooftop, a defeated queen contemplating her lost kingdom.

A fleeting notion danced through my mind-would she succumb to the weight of her ego, considering a drastic leap into the abyss below? The whimsical thought, however, collided with the stark reality of Kushida's resilient nature. Her ego, wounded but far from shattered, would resist such an admission of defeat. Besides, she had become a tool that fate had conveniently placed in my hands. Discarding such a resource seemed counterintuitive to my strategic approach.

As the elevator door loomed into view, I continued my measured pace, casting a glance upward at the unchanging moon. The passage of around ten minutes had encapsulated a transformative episode, altering the dynamics of the intricate game being played within the confines of the school.

Approaching the door, I halted my steps, a deliberate pause to address the presence trailing behind me-Ai. Her unspoken attempt to unravel the layers of my character demanded attention. To leave the burgeoning doubts unaddressed could potentially sow seeds of discord later. The door was a metaphorical threshold, marking the transition from one phase of this complex narrative to another.

Turning to face Ai, my gaze held an unyielding steadiness. Stone-cold and unblinking, my eyes met hers, acknowledging the quiver in her figure and the nervous anticipation etched on her face. The rooftop drama had unveiled facets of my character, and now it was time to navigate the aftermath, carefully managing the perceptions that lingered in the quiet moments between us.

Ai: "So..." Her voice wavered, a mix of uncertainty and determination evident in her eyes. It was clear she had questions, and I couldn't blame her. "That was something."

Kiyotaka: "Indeed it was."

Ai: "What do you plan to do with her?" Her voice quivered, her eyes searching mine with a mix of concern and curiosity. "You aren't going to-"

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