when were you going to tell me? (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter is pretty sad. I know a lot of my readers enjoy angst and I know some of you like sad chapters but I know it's also hard for some people some days to read sad and intense stories like this.

I will admit that I did cry a little while writing this. Writing Mina's reaction to what happens to Y/N in this chapter was hard because the thought of Mina being this sad is heartbreaking to me.

So, with that being said, if you don't want to read a sad story, please wait for my next update. It's not everyone's cup of tea and I understand that completely.

I love you all 🩷


You took a look around the room at the doctor's office as your heart beat harder and harder with every worrying moment that went by.

It's been some time now that you haven't been feeling well and every day that you began to feel worse and worse made a sinking feeling flood over you.

You know your body better than anyone does and even though you did have the fear that people might not take you seriously due to being young, you know that something's wrong and you had to get checked out.

The door opened as you swung your legs on the uncomfortable bed.

"Hi, Y/N." The doctor spoke as he entered the room again.

"Hey." You anxiously said.

"So, uh," He said as he sat down on the chair. "We have the results back from some tests that we've run and... I'm not exactly sure how to tell them to you."

That only made you feel worse.

Surely, the doctor wouldn't say something like that if the results were okay.

There was something very wrong; you felt it more than ever.

"You have a very serious heart problem." He said as he let out a heavy breath.

"O-Okay." You stammered as you let the news sink in. "Okay, so I just need some medicine and I'll be alright... right?"

He shook his head and then scooted his chair over to the bed you sat on.

"There's no medicine to treat it. As of right now, it is incurable. And... it's deadly."

"What are you saying?" You asked with a shaky breath. "Are you... are you saying I'm going to die?"

"Yes." He quietly answered. "I am so sorry, Y/N."

"So how long do I have? Is this a quick thing or not?"

"Not." He said. "I'd say, with how serious it is and how weak your heart is at this moment, you probably have a couple of months. At the most."

You tried to keep yourself from bursting into tears.

But how are you supposed to hold them back when you've just been told that you're going to die?

"You need to tell your loved ones right away."

"Yeah." You quietly said.

"I'm truly sorry. I wish I had better news. I wish this wasn't the way things are. I wish we had a cure. But... we don't."

You nodded wordlessly, most of his words just going in one ear and out the other due to the shock and pain you felt.

You stood up as he handed you the report that held information about the heart problem you had.

It explained every aspect of it; from the name of it to the words that said 'incurable' and 'fatal'.

You got in your car and pounded your hands against the steering wheel in anger as you felt emotion after emotion flood over you.

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