surprising her that you're pregnant (requested)

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"Finally," Mina said as she walked into your shared bedroom. "I'm home and I have a couple of days off."

She looked so happy as her eyes met yours.

"And I'm so excited to spend it with my girl!"

She came over to you and threw her arms around you to hold you tight.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too." You smiled and gave her a quick kiss before she collapsed on the bed beside you. "Are you tired?"

"A little."

"Oh. Because I have a little surprise for you."

She sat up and raised her eyebrows, wondering what you could mean by that.

"Really? What, my love?"

"I did a little shopping today." You said as you got up from the bed.

You went to the closet and grabbed a bag from inside before walking back over to the bed.

You put it in her lap and she furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at you.

"You shopped for me?"

"Sorta." You said, making her even more confused. "Come on, it'll make sense soon. Just open it."

She began to pull different items out of the bag, a couple of different shirts meant for the two of you.

She laid them out on the sheets and saw that they had different things on them, such as one that had tiny footprints and another that had tiny fingers on it.

She hadn't caught on just yet but that all seemed to change when she began to pull out baby items from inside the bag.

It wasn't much.

It was just a pair of baby shoes, a pacifier, and a baby blanket in her favorite color.

But still, it got her wondering.

"I know I started a little shopping without you but I figured you wouldn't be too mad since we have months of shopping left before the baby comes."

She looked at you in shock.

It took a few seconds for it to all click but when it did, tears appeared in her eyes.

You and Mina have been wanting to have a family for the longest time.

You tied the knot a few months back and immediately tried to have a family and although it took a little time, the treatments seemed to be successful.

"Are you serious?" She gasped as she smiled at you from ear to ear. "You're pregnant?"

"Yes!" You said, smiling just as brightly. "I'm pregnant, Mina!"

It was the best moment of your life so far.

You've both been wanting to be moms for so long and it was just such a dream come true.

"I can't believe this..." She said as she put everything down and pulled you into her arms. "We're having a baby. Finally!"

She held you close as a few tears slipped down her cheeks.

She was overjoyed, her heart so happy and so full that she thought it would just burst.

"I'm going to wear these shirts everywhere!" She said as she pulled away, staring at the shirt that had tiny footprints on it.

She then looked back at the baby stuff and stared at it all in awe.

"They're going to be so small when they come that they're going to be able to fit in these? Oh, my god, that's so cute!"

You laid your head on her shoulder, only for her to gently push you on your back.

"What are you doing?" You giggled.

She lifted your shirt and kissed your stomach lovingly.

"Hi, my baby. I know you're in there." She said as she continued to kiss your stomach. "I can't wait for you to arrive. You're going to be so perfect."

Tears filled your eyes as you watched her.

You've always known that Mina was going to be a great mom someday but now that you know you're having a baby together and you get to see her talk to the little human that's growing inside of you is making you feel emotional.

You're so in love with her and you just know that she's going to be the best mom ever.

"You are my everything. I promise that your mom and I are going to love you always. We already do."

She stared up at you before kissing your stomach one last time and moving up to bury her face in your neck as you held each other tight.

It was going to be an exciting journey and you couldn't wait to live out every second with her.

Mina Imagines - book two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now