"I'm in trouble" (requested)

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Author's Note: I feel like I shouldn't have to say this because it's very obvious but please don't ever drink and drive. It is incredibly stupid and so not worth the awful consequences that could come along with it. If you drink, always find an Uber or a cab, call someone you trust, or simply walk home. Don't take the chance, please. It is not worth your life or anyone else's

Also, I know Mina wouldn't do this in real life. She is a very intelligent woman and much smarter than this. But it is just fanfiction at the end of the day so don't take it too seriously, please.

Okay, enjoy. :)


Mina's phone rang for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last fifteen minutes.

She saw your name on the screen and debated whether or not to answer it before ultimately deciding to ignore it again.

She put her phone back in her purse and sighed as Sana brushed her hand across her back.

"I feel bad for ignoring her," Mina spoke quietly.

"Look, I think you should go home," Nayeon said.

"I know the fight you had was bad but you need to talk it out," Tzuyu said.

"Drinking isn't the way to do it. You need to go home and sit down and talk it out." Nayeon spoke.

Mina knew they were right.

As much as she loves the girls, she'd rather be home with you rather than here at this bar getting drunk.

So she nodded and put some money down to cover her drinks before getting up.

"Why don't you let me drive you? I've only had one drink, you've had a ton." Sana said.

"I'm fine," Mina spoke.

"If you won't let Sana drive you, take a cab," Tzuyu told her.

But Mina shook her head, insisting that she was perfectly fine despite the alcohol running through her veins.

She made her way to her car and got inside before starting it up.

She turned on some music and started to drive home.

But after a few minutes, just as she was about to turn down the road you have to take to get to the house, flashing lights appeared in the rearview mirror.

"Shit!" She said as she pulled over.

The officer stepped out of his car and made his way to Mina's.

"Hello, officer! How are you this evening?"

The officer's brows furrowed over the way that Mina spoke.

She hadn't said anything wrong but it was the way the words had fallen from her lips.

They were slurred.

It was obvious that she was drunk.

"Can you step out of the vehicle, ma'am?"

She sighed but obliged and got out of the car.

He had her walk in a straight line, which she couldn't do.

And then he had her do a breathalyzer, which she failed.

"Alright. I'm gonna have to place you under arrest."

Mina's heart dropped.

"What?" She asked, eyes wide and full of fear.

"I need you to put your hands behind your back."

Mina began to tear up as she did as he told her to.

She was terrified as it sank in that she'd made what was quite possibly the worst mistake of her life.

She got in the back of the car and he drove her off to the nearest station.

"You can make one phone call." The officer told Mina as he undid her cuffs.

She mumbled to herself as everything sank in and with shaky hands and a lump in her throat, she dialed your number.

You answered quickly and she breathed out a sigh of relief when she heard your voice.

"Mina! Oh, thank god. I've been so worried about you. Are you on your way home?"

"Not exactly." She said as she bit her lip. "Baby... I'm in trouble."

"What?" You asked in shock and concern. "What kind of trouble? Whose ass do I need to kick?"

"Mine..." She said as she hung her head. "I need you to come to the police station and get me out."

"Oh, Mina..." You sighed. "What did you do, baby?"

"I know you're disappointed and I completely get why. But please come get me. I'm scared."

"I'm on my way." You said before hanging up.

She put the phone back up and then turned to the officer who then guided her into a cell.

She felt so anxious and so scared.

She just wanted to crawl into a hole and cry.

The station wasn't far from the house but you did take a little bit to get there and Mina figured it was to just let her think about what she'd done to get herself here.

She couldn't deny how relieved she was when she saw your face though.

And you looked just as relieved to see that she was okay.

They let her out and after signing a few things, you both exited the station and got into the car.

It was silent but Mina wasn't surprised at all.

"Y/N, I-"

"Drunk driving, Mina?" You said as you looked at her with a sad expression. "What would happen if your fans or JYP found out about this? The girls are gonna find out but what if the rest of the world does?"

"Then I'll take responsibility. Like I should. Because what I did was wrong."

You sighed as you put your hand on the steering wheel.

"I'm so sorry." She said. "I get it if you hate me because of what I did and because of the fight."

"I don't hate you. I could never hate you." You said as she turned to look at you. "I love you too much. But I am disappointed. This was stupid."

"I know. I should've had Sana drive me back or taken a cab like Nayeon suggested but I'm stupid."

"You're not stupid. What you did is stupid but you're not. However, you should've known better and you shouldn't have done this in the first place. Things could've ended so much worse. What if you'd gotten into an accident? What if something worse happened and we didn't get to say I love you and makeup after the stupid fight we had?"

"I won't ever do it again. I learned my lesson. I shouldn't have done it in the first place, you're right. But I swear it won't ever happen again. And I do love you. I would use my last breath to say that."

"I love you too." You said as she grabbed your hand. "Let's just go home. We'll talk more about this in the morning."

She nodded and you drove home, hoping that this was the worst things would get and no one would find out about this.

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