you're both actresses and have an affair with each other (requested)

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"And... cut!" The director yelled out and the cameras stopped rolling.

You stepped away from Mina and went across the room to get a sip of water as she went to get a touch-up on her makeup.

You and Mina are both actresses.

This isn't the first K-drama you've done together but it is the most anticipated as fans all across the world are waiting for it to finish filming and be released.

You only have a few more scenes left to do and, honestly, part of you is a little sad about it because you enjoy being with Mina.

You're friends...

Okay, actually, you're a little more than that.

But no one else knows... especially not your wife or hers.

You were about to ask the director how long you had until you had to resume filming but you didn't because you felt a tap on your shoulder and you knew it was Mina.

And you knew exactly where this was headed.

"Can I talk to you about something in private,
Y/N? I need to go over a few more lines." She said.

Of course, it was a lie.

Her true desire for wanting to get you in private was something she couldn't risk anyone overhearing.

"Sure." You smiled and followed her down the hall.

She looked around to make sure no one was seeing the two of you before she pulled you into a bathroom.

She turned the lock on the door and then pushed you up against it, so needy for you that words weren't enough to even describe it.

"God, I just had to get you alone." She said as she started to kiss your neck. "You look so good today, baby."

You closed your eyes and let out a moan of her name and she smiled against your skin.

"Please tell me that you want me as much as I want you." She said.

"You know I do." You said.

She pulled you away from the door and walked with you to the sink, where she had you jump up.

You pulled her as close as you could and threw your head back as her lips brushed against your skin.

"You're so hot." She said. "Every scene we filmed together made me want you more. I just love you."

That one word that left her lips didn't surprise you at all.

You've both made it clear that you have feelings for each other.

That's why you sneak off and hook up so much.

Neither of you would ever do that with some random person that you didn't have feelings for.

But you and Mina love each other, you truly do.

It's just not possible to be together when you're married to other people.

As she pulled your shirt off and felt her lips brush against your chest, you remembered that this wasn't right.

The thought pops into your head each time you and Mina get intimate.

But you can't ever bring yourself to push her away or vocalize your worries because you don't feel this way with anyone but her, not even your wife.

"Mina," You moaned as you tangled your fingers in her hair as she knelt on the floor after pulling your pants off, ready to take things a little further.

But the sound of someone knocking on the door made you both jump.

It wasn't the director.

It wasn't a cast member.

It was... your wives.

"Y/N, Mina, what are you two doing in there?" Your wife asked.

"Open this door right now!" Her wife yelled.

You shared one more kiss before you got dressed.

She unlocked the door and opened it a moment later to find your wives glaring at the two of you.

"Come on, Mina. We have so much to talk about." Her wife spoke.

She followed her off-set and out to the car while you and your wife just stood there, unsure of what to say.

"I can explain-"

"Shut up. We're not doing this here." Your wife said before storming out to the car and you followed her.

The drive home was awkward, the silence filling the air.

But perhaps silence was better because as soon as you were behind closed doors, things went down.

"How dare you!" Your wife screamed. "You're cheating on me with Mina?"

"No, I'm not." You lied.

"Liar!" She screamed. "Just be honest."

"Fine." You said. "I've been seeing Mina behind your back."

"You've been hooking up on set?"

"Not just on set. We've snuck away to hotels and stuff too." You said.

Might as well get it all out in the open.

"Okay. Fine. I can forgive you if you'll come to counseling with me. You have to quit this drama and never work with Mina again. You can never see her again either." Your wife said.

"I can't do that." You quietly spoke.

She scoffed in response.

"We've had such a bad marriage for so long now, we just never wanted to admit it. We're both so unhappy. We could never work things out."

"If you stopped seeing Mina, we could!"

"But... I don't want to." You confessed. "Mina and I are in love with each other. We're not going to stop seeing each other."

"I can't believe this." Your wife said.

"I want a divorce. I want to be with Mina."

"Fine." She said before storming upstairs.

You grabbed your things and went to your car and as soon as you got inside, your phone chimed.

"She's gone. Please come over." Mina texted.

"On my way." You replied.

You arrived at her house a few minutes later and she was waiting at the door for you.

Things weren't awkward or tense.

Things felt... right.

She pulled you into her arms and gave you a huge hug before letting you inside and closing the door behind you.

"What happened?"

"She packed her bags and left for good. We're getting a divorce." She said.

"Yeah, so are we." You said, referring to your soon-to-be ex-wife. "I told her everything. But I told her that I wanted to keep seeing you and that we're in love with each other."

"We are." Mina smiled as she took your hand into hers. "Yeah, I made it clear that I've been unhappy in my marriage for quite some time and that I wanted to be with you. I choose you because you're the one I love."

"I love you too."

She kissed your lips softly before pulling you into her arms.

"No matter what happens from this point forward, everything's going to be okay. We have each other and that's all we need. Nothing else matters." She said as she brushed her fingertips across your arms.

You relaxed into her embrace and smiled a little, because you know she's right.

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