???: I'm in charge. Who are you and what do you want?

Izuku: Straight to the point? I like it. I'm the Pro Hero: Izuku sent by the Safety Commission to investigate why I-Island went dark. And now that I've confirmed that it's been overrun by villains. I'll handle the rest.

The young woman looked at him with doubt until her eyes widened as his smiling face overlapped with her Uncle. A large man with the brightest smile that you'd ever see, a smile that showed everything would be all right. Tears silently rolled down her one good eye making the sapphire-like eye glaze with emotion. Izuku smiled at the girl as she broke down before speaking to her.

Izuku: What's your name?

Melissa: Melissa. Melissa Shield.

Izuku's eyes widened before narrowing a little.

Izuku: Miss Shield. Can you tell me where David Shield is? If you are comfortable of course.

Melissa just looked at Izuku with intense sadness making Izuku's face morph into understanding.

Izuku: I see. I'm sorry for bringing such a sore subject up. Leave the rest to me, you'll know when it's okay to come out.

Izuku began to fly up and emerged back on the streets. Izuku took a deep breath as green electricity began to crackle off him violently as it tore into the pavement. He fell into a runner's stance as his eyeglasses marked every electronic on the surface along with every heartbeat. He says 2 minutes max to clear out the city. Then he was gone with a roar of thunder as a green light streaked throughout the city.

Robots that were patrolling the streets evaporated into debris in milliseconds after a green light passed them. Any men in villainous-looking armor or carrying weapons were also instantly caved into the floor or nearby walls either broken or worse. The Greenlight then shattered through a building destroying every bot in sight until it reached a control room making it explode as it ran through it. Eventually, the green light came to a stop in front of a tower showing Izuku with a smirk as green electricity continued to bounce off him.

Izuku: HA! 1 minute flat! So that's the full capabilities of 50%.

Izuku's face grew serious once more as he went into the building and made it all the way to the top of the tower in an instant stopping in front of a large door. He tore the door down finding a man sitting in the large room by himself sitting atop a tall structure similar to a throne, the rest of the room was also a darker tone similar to black making Izuku narrow his eyes on the villain. The villain wore a iron mask with red hair flowing behind it but Izuku's eyes rested solely on the tech crown on the villain's head.

Wolfram: So you're the hero that took out all my fodder. Wasn't expecting a brat to be so dumb to attack my domain. Don't you know I'm a god with this crown, nothing can touch me as long as I'm on this very earth.

Izuku: This very earth huh?

Izuku took a step and in a blink was next to Wolfram yanking the crown right off making the villain's eyes widen as his throne fell apart showing his quirk wasn't too strong. Wolfram tried to swing at Izuku but Izuku's fist plunged right into his stomach causing him to vomit a pool of his blood as almost all his internal organs were damaged. Izuku backed off looking down on the injured man before stepping back and in a blink was back at the door closing it shut behind him. Wolfram lay there panting confused about why Izuku let him live until the room started shaking putting the fear of God in the wannabe god.

Outside the tower floated Izuku as Black Whip tendrils dug into the top of the tower like claws as green electricity crackled off Izuku once again he took a deep breath and yelled as he began pulling the top of the tower away from the rest of it. With one final yank, the top came off and Izuku stared down at it before yelling one more time as he threw it into the ocean where the mostly iron fortress quickly sunk to the bottom.

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