A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

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Chaos across the galaxy! It is the fifteenth year of the Galactic Empire's reign. Hidden amidst the disharmony, a crime syndicate known as Crimson Dawn has staged its fall. Under the control of the mysterious shadowy Darth Maul and his figurehead, Qi'ra, the syndicate plots.

Storm Akes, son of the deceased Jedi Knight Kyrin, leaves home and his sister after a massive fallout. The Dark side whispers to him, his connection to the force is shattered from mistrust. With all the experience of a child trained by a General of the Clone Army, he ventures out into the galaxy alone...


Hi all! It's been a few years since I last used wattpad, but I'm still writing. Yay. I've been working in this fic since January 2023 and it has come pretty far already (100k words). 

Things to know: this is not smutty or romance focused. But is there romance? Yes, but it's OCxOC. Secondly, this fic is formatted in a episodic manner with an overarching story (obviously). Consider this season 1.

If you're still interested in sticking around for the ride: buckle up, it'll be fun!


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