"You are their little sister !" Sarah whisper-shouted.

"Yeah, I didn't mean to not tell you. It just didn't come up and I really didn't think it was that big of a deal. Please don't hate me," Isabella said while biting her lips.

"I guess it's okay, it's just weird," Lilliana said.
"I am sorry," Isabella said apologetically.
"It's fine. Just a little startled," Sarah said.

"They're really nice when you get to know them. My mom isn't that scary either," Isabella said.
"Wait, their sister is your mom. So, Dante and Enrico are your uncles ?" Lilliana asked.
"They're too young to be uncles," Sarah said.
"Yeah, I do address them as brothers," Isabella explained.

Isabella sincerely hoped she wouldn't lose the first friends she made. Nevertheless, the day went on. The other classes were also pretty light. Isabella waited in her empty classroom like she was told to. Her brothers came and led her to the parking lot. A black SUV was waiting for them in the parking lot. They got in and drove to the house.


The Next Day

Isabella spotted Sarah and Lilliana to be talking when she entered the classroom. She greeted them but they acted as if they didn't notice her. Isabella was hurt but she continued with her day. It was not like this was her first time being ignored.

"Hey, wait up," Isabella shouted to Sarah and Lilliana. She was going to the lunch room.
They scurried down the halls but Isabella caught up. She still didn't have perfect health and was panting by the time she went up to them.

"I know you're ignoring me but why ? You said it was fine yesterday," Isabella said, sorrow evident in her voice.
The girls looked at each other for a moment before answering," We really didn't mean but when our elder siblings saw us they were scared for us. We can't do anything against them." Sarah explained.
"Please, don't be mad. It's not like we won't talk to you, we just can't," Lilliana said sadly.
"It's okay," Isabella said and went away. She blinked away the tears that threatened to spill. 

She took a couple shaky breaths in an attempt to not breakdown. Yesterday was one of the first times she was acknowledged as a person by her classmates and today that was gone. She was all alone like before. She couldn't help the tears that fell down her cheeks. She quickly wiped her tears quickly and went inside. She wasn't in the mood to eat but she wouldn't hear the end of it if her family knew she didn't eat lunch so she decided on a small sandwich.

She sat alone on an empty table. They looked at her with weird stares but no one even dared to come near her. 

"Why are sitting alone ?" asked Enrico startling her.
"Umm...It's nothing," Isabella replied.
"Did you cry ?" Dante asked her his hands clenched into fists. He tried to sound calm but his anger was evident in his voice. No one made his sister cry.
"No, I didn't," Isabella quickly replied.

"Do NOT lie to me, Isabella," Dante gritted out.
"Please don't get mad," Isabella quivered.
"We're the mad sis, just concerned," Enrico, the more rational brother said calmly. He sat down near his sister and put his hand on her shoulder.

"My friends are too scared to sit with me," Isabella sadly informed.
"Is it because we came ?" Dante asked. His demeanor changed from rage to regret. He didn't want his sister to suffer because of his reputation.

"Don't worry, you'll get new friends," Dante reassured her. He sat down opposite his sister.
"I hope so," Isabella said. "You can go if you want" she added.

"No, we will stay with you," Enrico said firmly.
"I don't want to keep you away from your friends," she said. She felt guilty for separating them from their friends but she was glad to not be alone.
"Ah don't worry, we like spending time with you," Dante replied in response.


The school was over and the kids got home. Surprisingly they met Adrienna. She was usually in her office this time but was home to get a file.

"Hey kids!" she greeted them. Dante waved and Enrico greeted her back. Isabella zoned out and didn't notice her mother.

Adrienna came up to her and asked," Why is my sweet girl so gloomy today?"
"I don't have friends anymore," she replied. She didn't see a point in hiding it, her brothers knew and the others would know it eventually.

"What happened? You told me you made some yesterday."
Isabella looked at her brothers, looked at her mother wordlessly, and stared at the floor.

"We went up to her table yesterday. Her friends were afraid of us," Enrico filled in.

Adrienna raised her daughter's chin to meet her gaze. Her eyes were glassy from tears. "You'll get other friends. Much better like who like you for yourself. Don't worry your head about it," Adrienna tried to reassure her.

"It's hard," Isabella croaked out. Adrienna kissed her daughter's cheek and said," We love you always dear."
Isabella let out a faint smile and nodded.
"I am going to the office. I'll be back by dinner," she informed all of them and left.

Isabella rushed upstairs to her room. She threw herself on her bed and cried. She couldn't hold it in anymore. It was too painful for her. This was the one time she felt normal, she felt like everything turned out well but the world decided something else for him. All hell broke loose for her. She felt like a failure and she let the tears flow.

After a good 40 minutes of crying she got up and dried her eyes. She went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was all red and puffy. She knew her mother and her uncles and her brother would ask her about it. She groaned internally and went to do her homework.

She got her notebook and opened her science homework. Science class, the only good thing about the day. She hoped tomorrow would be better but the universe had other plans for her.

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