If she had kept quiet everything would have been normal. Now I hate her so much, she made everything hard for me....my father went against me, he is still not ready to give the power to my hands, he is waiting for an heir, Seokjin. I am not still the chairman because of your mother and you, and that fucking Jimin.

So I need to clear my path, I am good at yanking obstacles, first was your mother she got a pathetic death, and seeing her body getting burned was such fun. Second Jimin's mother, you know I bound her to the bed and killed her on the same bed where I fucked her for the last time. Oh honey her bones are decorating the bed. And now it's You, Jimin, and your grandfather. "

How can this person be a human? SeokJin tightens his fist. He can't lose his patience.

" Well, I should consider a few more people too, right Seokjin? Like Your ex-lover Yoongi...he might be a threat too"

" You can't do anything to him "

" Hmm...his dad is a powerful one. But he might be living dead once you and Jimin are gone so it's fine I guess. And I can make Taehyung and Hoseok shut, maybe I can just make their life hell, you know if your own life is burning you won't go to pour water on Others right?"

" You are just disgusting"

"oh that I am. Who plans to murder their father right Seokjin? It's just me. Oh, I forgot about your new fling, Jeon Jungkook. The boy is handsome. Little brat thinks he can get to me, young blood. What should I do to him? "

" You can never touch him, I won't let it happen"

" Look at you, SeokJin. Look at that fire in your eyes. Are you in love with him? "

" It's fucking none of your business and we are not here to talk about them"

" come on SeokJin, let's have some fun before we leave. Is he good in the bed? Well I am too"

" You piece of shit, I am your son for the god sake. How lower you can go?"

"I will show you that, let's go"

His father gets up from the chair and walks down the stairs confusing, SeokJin.

" where are we going?? "

" Surprise"

" I am not coming with you, where is Grandfather?"  seokjin asks while walking down.

" I will show you a different world today, of course, you will come. I know you don't hate your stepbrother. "

" Jimin is in hospital"

" Not anymore"

His father laughs as he takes a seat inside the car. Seokjin is down too. What else is going on? Is Jimin in his dad's hands? He should save Jimin first.

The car drives down the city, the road is not familiar to Seokjin. He never came to this side of the city. It looks like there is no transportation in this area. The car stops near an old house. It looked unused too. As he walks inside it smells so bad, it's nauseating.

" Where are we going, whose house it is??"

His father doesn't answer when he walks inside, his bodyguard stays outside. Seokjin sneaks his hand inside the coat to check on his gun. Fully loaded one.

What he sees once he comes inside makes him gasp for air.

Jimin is here, walking to and fro while talking loudly, as if.....as if there is someone. Seokjin eyes land on the bed, the bed is filled with bones...bones!!! Is it Jimin's mother's bones?? But why Jimin is talking to the bones?

" Shut up!!! Shut up okay?? I am not going to lose Yoongi"

Jimin screams at the bed looking at the bones. He pauses and fumes with anger as if he is hearing someone talking badly.

" Seokjin is a bitch, I will end him today. Oh Mom you should see how I will end him today"

Jimin is talking to his dead mother?? How?? Is he...is he...

" Look at your stepbrother Seokjin. A complete psycho. He comes here every month to talk to his mother. Fun is he can hear and see his mom, poor of him, his mother scolds him even in his delusional world. Isn't it so fun to watch?"


Is that why Jimin told Seokjin was talking about him when he wasn't, him believing Seokjin going to take Yoongi back and go against him because it's all happening in his world? His hate for Seokjin is his illness. Oh god. His father is encashing his illness. Oh no, these people are just trash. They are not worth breathing.

" why are you so cruel?? Why?? "

" I am not cruel for using someone to have some fun, SeokJin. Aren't you using your little sugar baby? Then You are cruel too. "

No, this man can never understand anything. There is no way in the world he will change for the better. All he deserves is death. If he is alive he will ruin some more innocent lives.

" I am cruel too. This Cruelty can end your life"

" Funny, let's see whose life is going to end today. Jimin!!! My son "

His father walks inside the room calling Jimin's name.

" why are you here??"

Jimin shouts at him, he looks so vulnerable and exhausted. Oh god, Seokin's heart hurts.

" I am here to finally acknowledge you as my son, Jimin. I don't know why I thought Seokjin would always be my pride. But all he is doing is disgraceful things. He should accept his fate and leave Yoongi alone. Today I got him here so that you guys can talk and settle it down "

Seokjin walks inside, feeling lost. Why did he never think Jimin might be not doing well, why didn't he give any attention to the odds? He is his stepbrother, he should have cared for him more.

" seokjin!! You are here. The great seokjin is in my house. Mom look at him, look at him...he just looks so ordinary...I told you he looks handsome just because of the makeup. See!! He is just so ugly. Why? Seokjin, are you having fun by destroying my life??"

Jimin screams and Seokjin's eyes fill with tears. Seeing him being so sick to lose contact with reality is so heartbreaking.

" Tell me what more you want?? What?? Did you hear my mom talking to Seokjin?? She is saying you will get everything that you want but I will never. I will show her what I can get and what you can never get today. "

Jimin walks around and grabs a knife, but he straight-up goes to his father, not Seokjin.

" Hey!!! What are you doing?? Your enemy is Seokjin, not me !! Honey, I am your dad"

Jimin points the knife at his dad's throat while smiling.

" Yeah, correct you are my dad. That's how the problem started"


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