The Battles Begin

Start from the beginning

            "What!" I said 'how did he see me.' 

            "Otto otto" he said. "So there are Demon Slayers in this day and age."

            I leaped back, holding my blade firmly. "You're supposed to be dead," I said bluntly. 

            Doma turned around on the bridge and looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "Am I?" he asked leaning left to right. "I think I'd remember that, but if I am supposed to be dead than how could you possibly know about me? And when did the world change so much?" 

             "Well," I hesitated to answer his questions. "You died around 1000 years ago, and I know about you because your final battle was recorded in the archives of the Demon Slayer corp." 

             "1000 years!" he shouted out in suprise. "Final battle the last thing I remember is meeting with Muzan sama. Well what ever I better get rid of you like a good Upper moon would." he shrugged. He got into a stance unfolding his fans, "Blood Demon art Barren Hanging Garden!" He moved his arms rapidly each time creating ice shards that were sent hurtling my way.

              I went on the defensive dodging to the best of my ability, when I couldn't dodge I would slash destroying the shards sent my way. "Sun Breathing Sixth Form: Solar heat haze." I rushed forward hiding the length of my blade and attack slashing in once again at his neck but he blocked it again with his war fan.

              "Oh, quite the fast one aren't you." he said smiling crazily. "Blood Demon art Wintry Icicles." He held his other fan aloft and above the both of us numerous icicles appeared and began to fall on us. I quickly backflipped away out of the range of them as they impaled Doma, I rushed in assuming he would have trouble moving but his body just melted into a puddle of blood and moved off the bridge before reforming. "Well that was a ne experience," He smiled. "You're quite the capable fighter! But what happens when we lower the tempeture even more? Cold White Princesses." 

                Two large upper womens torsos spawned on the edge of the battle field and began to blow ice laced wind into the area decreaseing the already freezing tempeture even more. Shivering a bit now I began my next attack, "Eighth Form: Sunflower Thrust." I called running as fast as I could to him and shoving my blade forward. I countered by closing his fans and redirecting my thrust with them crossed, I ended up lobbing off his ear. Which fell to the ground melting into blood and rejoining with him reappearing where I had previously cut it off. 'His regeneration is different from other demons, why though if this is really him back from the dead he should still be himself right?' 

                "Yawn, Well this fight has been fun," he said. "I can tell your holding back for no reason. I'm an Upper Moon after all you can go all out as much as you want!" 

                 I leaped back with my head held down. 'He wants my all fine' I clenched my sword turning it bright red, well also activating see through world and selfless state. I looked up at him once more now emotionless giving nothing away. "Yes!" he shouted out. "That's it showme everything your capable of so I can beat you fairly!"

                  I rushed forward at blinding speed leaping into the air and fliping around to deliver a powerful slash horizontaly, "Tenth Form: Fire wheel." I called slicing off his head which fell back blood shooting from his neck and reconnecting the head to the wound. 

                  "Tremendous!" he shouted as his head fully reattached to his neck. "Now allow me to show the true desparity between us. Blood Demon Art Crystalline Divine Child." Around the area Snow and ice began to gather into multiple points growing and solidifying into ice before multiple Ice Domas were formed fully grown. "Hehe, Interesting how my art evolved from consuming only a town's worth of women. Normally they're miniture versions of myself, fair warning demon slayer they can do everything I can." Each one of them were mimicing his movements flawlessly. "Multiple Demon Art activation," they all spoke up. "Scattering Lotuses." 

                 All the Domas swung their fans creating hurricanes of ice shards shaped like lotus petals, all sent right at me in the middle of the circle of them. I tried my best to slice dodge and block all of them but it was useless there were just too many of them. Eventually I was forced to sink into a ball to minimize the damage the petals could do.  

Jirou POV:

                 "Second Form: Eruptive Gash!" I shouted. Slashing horizontally and back the other way well throwing out my bombs to deal as much damage as I could to the Four eyed nomu before me. I wasn't certain but it seemed to be able to use more than one quirk on top of demon fast regeneration. 

                  "Third Form: Blazing universe!" Katsumi shouted jumping up and slashing downward on the nomu's neck successfully cutting through it and defeating the nomu before us. 

                  "Thanks for the assist Katsumi," I puffed out that fight was pretty hard Izuku made the one at the USJ look easy. Suddenly we both got an alert on our phones from Melissa. 

                   'Come to this location,' it said with a point on a map marked out. 

                    "Same message for you?" Katsumi asked me. 

                    "Yeah but we can't really afford to both go," I said. "I'll go with her you should stick with Izumi and the pros to take care of the other Nomu." 

                    "Got it," She nodded rushing off to the remaining fight, while I rushed off into the ally ways looking for the place marked on the map. 

                     "I got a bad feeling about this," I said as I began nearing the coordinates. "I should let Izuku know what's going on maybe he can get here and help out some." After sending the message to Izuku's phone I rounded a corner to see the hero native with a hand missing and passed out against a wall. Iida was on the ground unmoving and Melissa was fighting somebody I didn't recognize hopping around on the walls like she was a pro. 

                     He was tall with dark hair and blue skin he wore a mask that looked like it was made from an old bandageand he seemed to be missing his nose. He was leaping from wall to wall chipping away at Melissa as they passed by her using his sword. "Please there is no honor in what I have done anymore!" he shouted suddenly. "I need one of you to end my life here and now." 

                      "We can't do that Stain!" Melissa shouted out. "We are heroes we have to bring you in!" 

                      "No you don't understand that man made me a monster!" He yelled leaping off the wall and slashing her cheek instinctivly licking the blood off the blade. 

                       I stepped forward, "You haven't been taking trophies have you?" I asked him as he noticed me. "You've been eating what youve cut off of the heroes." 

                       "Yes!" he shouted. "That man did this to me I deserve death please end me" he begged.  

                       "I can try my best." I said drawing my blades from my back. "Here I come Stain I will wash away your sins by ending your demonic life right here!" 

          --- Well I hope you all enjoy and sorry for taking so long to write a new chapter for this I had lost inspiration for this story for a little bit now but here we are see you all in the next chapter. ---

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