Halloween party

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"Trick or treating? Really." Huey looked at me, smiling playfully. "Aren't you too old for this, Ameera?" I shrugged, fixing my makeup "yeah, but I gotta protect the kids from Big Dick Randy."

  "Girl, what the hell? Please hush." He laughed and draped his arms over my shoulders. "Baby, we're not actually gonna trick or treat, right?" He looked at me and I shook my head. "Nuh uh, we going to a Halloween party."

  "How'd you find out about the party and not me, you just got here..." Huey looked at me in the mirror and I was in the chair at my vanity as he stood behind me . "And you've just been antisocial for eighteen years." I joked and shrugged, a smile slowly spreading on my lips.

  "We're gonna have so much fun!" I looked up at him and he leaned down to kiss me. "Do we have to have a costume?" I turned to look at him "I'm doing your skeleton makeup, okay?" He sighed and rolled his eyes "okay baby."

  I plucked his hand and turned around. "Don't be a hater, Huey." I turned back to my mirror and finished up my makeup.

  "Do I look pretty?" I asked and Huey looked at me, "do you look pretty? Honey, you're gorgeous.." he stood behind me and stared at me in the mirror.

  "You know how pretty I think you are?" He asked genuinely and I smiled "how pretty?" I looked up at him and he looked down at me, smiling. "I think you're the prettiest girl walking the planet, I think that if you weren't a person, you'd be a star or a sunset, something universally regarded as beautiful. When I look at you I still get butterflies, looking at you gives me the same feeling as looking at rivers, forest, ancient ruins, I just feel in awe...  I mean, it's surreal. Like you're so gorgeous, beyond gorgeous.. I'm just so blessed to be graced by your presence, the likelihood of meeting someone like you is low so, two times in the same lifetime? I lucky.."

  We sat in silence for a minute because I was just... completely speechless. We stared at each other and I finally spoke.

  "I don't even know what to say.." he smiled and kissed me. "You don't have to say anything, baby. Just, remember how beautiful and perfect I think you are.. and remember how much I love you." He kissed me again and I smiled, staring at him lovingly.

  "Huey, we need to be married like.. yesterday.." he chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I couldn't have said it better myself.." I looked forward and my eyes searched my vanity for my phone. "Where'd I put my phone..." I mumbled, standing up and going to look at my nightstand.

  Sure enough, my phone was right there and I grabbed it, checking the time. "Okay, Huey. Are you coming to the party or not?" He looked at me and shrugged"I wasn't aware I had a choice.. but uh, I guess I'll come. Do I *have* to have a costume?"I looked up. "I'm not gonna force you, honey.." he shrugged "okay, wanna take a pregame shot?" I nodded, giggling and he smiled "c'mon then, I got some.. stuff in my room."

  We walked over to his house and on the way there, we saw Jazmine already walking in that direction. "Jazzy!" I called out and she walked over. "Hey Ameera!" She smiled and waved, walking with us. "What are you guys doing for Halloween?"I shrugged "not much, just going to this party. Do you wanna come?" I asked and she nodded "sure!"

  Huey looked at her "you're not hanging out with Caesar?" She looked at Huey "I mean, I'm gonna see him tonight but he's going trick or treating with his little cousins and I didn't really want to do that."

  She started smiling, grabbing my shoulder "at least I get to see him tonight!' she giggled and I shook my head "Jazzy, you see him all the time. Like.. all the time." She covered her mouth as we walked into the Freeman's house.

  "Look, I'm just excited!" She looked around"do you know if Riley's here?" Huey looked at her with a puzzled look"he was here when I left.. hold on- RILEY" He called out and Riley came running down the stairs .

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