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Huey's POV

One week after Ameera arrived, I took her to my favorite spot at the top of the hill. I sighed and sat in my thoughts, thoughts about her mostly. I've been so.. distracted lately. I just can't push her away, I'm too scared to loose her.

I looked at her and she was looking over the neighborhood. I think she's trying to memorize the streets and this girl is so intelligent, she could do it. I just watched her as she studied the blocks.

"Timid deer, frolicking lamb, rustling leafs, what the hell are these street names?" She laughed and looked at me. I shrugged and looked away "Riley said the same." She scooted closer to me "It's so surreal being here... being with you." I looked back to her and sighed.

"I'm so scared of loosing you again. So, so scared. I don't want you out of my sight." She nodded slowly and leaned on me. "I'm not leaving you, Hue boo." I rolled my eyes and smiled "Do not bring that name back! Ra-Ra!" She turned my head towards her. "I'm being serious. I'm not gonna leave you, I promise Mr. Freeman."

I leaned closer to her "On me. Promise right now." She fake hesitated "I don't know..." I kissed her gently "Did you change your mind?" She smiled and turned away "On my best friend in the whole wide universe. I will never leave you." I hugged her "I can't stress how much I missed you." She turned back to me "It's been so long. Too long."

We sat and watched the neighborhood together. I pulled her closer "I always imagined this is what we'd grow up and do. I imagine this in Chicago but it doesn't matter where I am if I'm with you." She sat up a little. "Do you wanna be my boyfriend? We can keep it on the low.. you know as revolutionaries, we have to be careful with relationships.." I just looked at her.

"Everyone already knows. We are going to be the most ultimate revolutionary duo. Fighting against euro-centrianism and the new world order and stuff, hand in hand, just like my parents did...." she just looked at me, the look on her face was so cute. She looked so honored I would say that.

She stared at me some more and I got up "do you agree?" She got up and grabbed my hand "oh, of course.. I'm always down." We walked back to my house and sat in the living room. She looked at me.

"What do we need to fix first in the world?" I shrugged "Everything. But sometimes when you can't do nothing but, there's nothing you can do, you just have to do what you can. I just don't know where to start... my parents were so great and they did so much and I don't what to do." She nodded and looked down. "You're not going to get anywhere comparing yourself to them. You can't be your parents. You can just be Huey."

I rubbed my face and stood up "You're right. I've already accomplished so much, I can't live my life living up to my parents." Riley came downstairs and looked at me "Yooooo! Hey Ra-Ra! I'm bout bored as hell, what y'all doing?" Huey rubbed his eyes "Might go shoplift at Wal-Mart. Fighting against capitalism and stuff." He smiled "Really?" I shook my head. "No. I would never choose Wal-Mart." He pouted "you're boring." Ameera smiled "Riley, what would you like to do?" He thought for a second "Make some money for real but, I dunno.

I rolled my eyes and Ameera smiled "Y'all are funny. Come on, let's go on a walk." Me and Riley followed her outside and she just started walking "soooooo....' she turned to us and kept walking backwards "Y'all got tall, huh?" Riley smirked "Taller than you~ " she rolled her eyes "negro please." He looked faked shocked "Mane, okay niglet." She giggled and turned back around.

Riley's POV

I looked over to Huey who was staring at Ameera then I looked up like ian see nothing. Then I had an amazing thought. "Y'all wanna go cause some trouble? Like we did back in Chicago? " They both looked at me and Huey sighed "...We would get arrested. Like... we would definitely get arrested. We're in an all white neighborhood." Ameera nodded "I agree. I'll buy you ice cream as a replacement though." I started smiling "BET!" we went to the local ice cream parlor. Something we didn't really have in Chi-town. We had the icee cup lady and the ice cream truck.

Well, I guess new times and new circumstances call for new routines and traditions... Huey looked at me and sighed. "You just figured that out?" I covered my face "I said that out loud? I gotta step my game up. Riley Escobar ain't no punk. I can't be out here sounding too smart. I don't wanna be like Huey." Ameera nodded "Well y'know, I like Huey just how he is!" I nodded "We know, you wanna kiss him and do nasty stuff." she pushed me playfully "Shut up Riley, just because that's what you and Cindy do-" I covered my face, embarrassed "AMEERA KA'MARI JACKSON!!!"

Huey just kept walking, shaking his head. "You two just don't change, huh?" I crossed my arms "Aye! Dats not true! I am very mature!" Ameera nodded and agreed "That's true!" we looked at him and he just smiled at us, still shaking his head. "Okay.. I believe you.."

Second part to my guess. I guess some things really don't change. Maybe that's a good thing....

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