I missed you.

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**i did edit this because I changed the direction I want the story to go a little. Enjoy anyways**

Huey's POV

I was sitting in my first block AP history class reading 'The Mis-education of the Negro' when my teacher stood up to make an announcement. "Excuse me class, we have a new student coming in today from Chicago. Her name is Ameera Jackson. She's on her way from the office so be nice."

I looked up and raised my hand "Can you sit her next to me?" My teacher looked at me "why, may I ask?" I looked down at my book "She's a childhood friend.." I internally smiled and cried and celebrated and the teacher nodded. Then the door swung open. Ameera was standing there and time just froze. She looked so different...

She was tall and her wearing combat boots made her even taller. She's always been tall but she's not as lanky but in a good way. She's wearing cargo pants and plain black long sleeve v-neck and she is just covered in golden jewelry. Golden necklaces, golden rings, golden bracelets. They looked so perfect on her deep, brown, glowing, mesmerizing skin though. In a platonic way, of course.

Let me not lie...

  Her dreadlocks were down to her back and her face looked angry. This girl has always looked mad(ironic, I know). She had on eye liner and maroon lipgloss and her face looked generally more mature... which makes sense. It's been 7 years.

Time unfreezes and the teacher smiles "class, this is Ameera." She looks around the classroom, observing her surroundings. Such an Ameera thing. The teacher continued "you can sit over there next to Huey-" she looked at me and her face softened "Huey Freeman? HUEYYYYY!" I stood up, knowing she was going to run and hug me. "pleasure to see you again."

  She squeal and ran up to me, hugging me tight. I hug her back and she looked at me "ohh, you got so big.. I missed you so much, it's been so long.. I told you I'd see you again" I can't help but smile "it has. now you have to suffer with me."

She groaned "the name of this school told me everything I needed to know." I sat down "the elementary and middle has the same name. And our rival is Christopher Columbus Highschool" she groaned and sat down "is the curriculum as white-washed as I thought it'd be?" I sighed "Don't ask me stupid questions, Meera." She chuckled "what're the students like?" I looked at her and pointed to my palm before continuing my reading. She pulled out 'Black Girls Must Die Exhausted' and started reading as the teachers started teaching.

After class, we were walking down the hall and Caesar yelled at me from down the hallway "CHICAGOOOO" I smiled "BROOKLYNNNN! BUK BUK BUK!" We dapped each other up and was just hype "YUUUUUH! Aye Huey, who dat?" He nodded over to Ameera and she stuck her hand out "well it's Ameera. Ms. Jackson if you're nasty.." he smirked and grabbed her hand, kissing it "I'm Michael Caesar, nice to meet you ma'am." I plucked him in the forehead. "Not too much.." he put his hands up "You got it."

We kept walking and Meera looked up at me "I thought you said these kids were white." I nodded "Ceez don't count. Jazmine is here too, she don't count either" Caesar looked at us "WELL-" I glared at him "not too much on-" Riley saw Ameera and ran over to us "IS THAT RA-RA? AHHHHHH-" he hugged her and she hugged back. "Hey Reezy.." she pinched his cheeks "oo, I definitely missed my buddy..."

He started walking with us "you coming over tonight, right?" She smiled "sure Riley." He smiled "okay, I gotta catch you later!" He walked away and Caesar smiled "It was nice meeting you mon cherie amour. I gotta get to class tho-" he walked away too. Jazmine walked up and smiled.

"Hey Huey! Heyyyy-" Ameera smiled "call me Meera." Jazmine nodded "okay! I'm Jazmine, by the way. Uhm.. did I miss Caesar again?" I nodded "he just left. You'll see him at lunch. You got a crush on Ceez or something?" Jazmine started turning pink "N-no! I didn't say that.." Ameera smiled "he is fine.. I don't blame you" Jazmine giggled as we walked into English together.

Me and Jazmine sat down as Ameera introduced herself to the teacher. She sat with us and smiled "Soooo. How's Maryland been, other than the school.." I shrugged "okay. They had the R Kelly trial so, me and Riley went to see that. Riley was also friends with Gangstalicious and Lethal Interjection, I played kickball against some chinese kids and protested against BET☆. Then Uncle Ruckus got his own show, we met a bunch of other celebrities, Thugnificent went bankrupt, Riley changed the street sign names, Jazmine got scamed by Ed Wuncler who owns the whole town, Granddad opened a restaurant and got sued, me and Riley were involved in or accesories to multiple crimes- felonies actually, I saved two innocent black men from imprisonment and that's just half of what happened."

Ameera looked at me, shocked "damn, you wanna have all the fun without me." Jazmine nodded "that was just elementary for the most part, it got boring in middle school" I shrugged it off "I'm retired. For real this time. What Riley does is on him, I'm done with that stuff" Ameera pouted "we gotta do something fun now that I'm here! You don't wanna do hoodrat stuff with your hoodrat friend?" I smiled "You aren't a hoodrat. Riley is a hoodrat, Cairo is a hoodrat-" Meera giggled "not too much on Cairo!! He kept asking me out after you left." I turned to her, amused "Really now? Interesting.." she nodded "yeah, we went out for like, a week in the eighth grade. But he's not my type. My type is tall and brown skin with an athletic build-" she kept describing me and I smiled and turned away "Okay, Ameera. Whatever you say" Jazmine looked at me and smirked "oooo y'all gon date?" We both looked at her like she was crazy then we looked at each other "ermmmm I don't know"

"That is an interesting take, Mariah" Ameera shook her head "can I call you Mariah?" Jazmine looked at me "what's with your people calling me Mariah" I looked at her "it's just was black people do. You need to ask to go to your next family reunion on your dad's side, they're gonna call you Mariah."

  Ameera just started singing "It's just a sweet sweet fantasy babyyy, when I close my eyes, you come and take mee. It's so deep in my daydreams but it's just a sweet sweet fantasy babyyy-" I covered her mouth "that's enough out of you.." she pulled my hand off "you ain't like my singing?" I shook my head "no. I did not enjoy your rendition of Fantasy by Mariah Carey. At all" I kind of did but, she didn't have to know that.

I don't know what's going on with me. Ever since she walked into that classroom, Ameera has been totally distracting me from everything I normally think about. Just her being back in my life makes me so happy and I don't know why, this has been the most I smiled since I moved from Chicago. I've always been so focused on protecting Riley, stopping the New World Order, figuring out who the White Shadow was, protecting the basic human rights of the Black community, and being the best Revolutionary I can be and Ameera just wrapped that up and pushed it to the back of my mind. Just like before.  I don't think I could ever miss anyone more than her other than my parents.

Jazmine poked me "are you good? You zoned out.." I looked up and looked over to Ameera. My right hand man. She looked up from her book and smiled at me "hey-" I just hugged her "I missed you. I just missed you so much, Ra-ra.. I'm so happy you're back"

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