the b plot (2)

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Jazmine's POV

I've been sitting up in my room since I was grounded for the first time in my life. My dad grounded me for sneaking Caesar in the house.. not that that's stopping me from leaving because he got hired by some famous guy, like a D-tier celebrity, and he had to fly down to Virginia so...

Here I am, in Caesars room, braiding my hair while he sat on his bed, playing Mass Effect. I groaned and slumped down in my chair "My arms are TIRED!" He looked at me "You want help?" I looked at him "You braid hair?" He smiled "I can.." he paused his game and came over to me "Do you want the help or-?' I nodded and we kept braiding my hair. After about two hours, I was done so, I put on my bonnet and cleaned up and climbed in his bed. He sat back on the edge of the bed and continued playing Mass Effect while I scrolled on Instagram.

This past couple of weeks have been HEAVEN. Michael is the best, he loves loving me and it's the best, he's the best. I am just sooo lucky. I am lovesick and down bad. We never finished what we started though but, I'm okay with that. He's my man my man my man and as long as I'm not sharing, I don't care. I love love love him, soooooooooo much, I can't even describe it.

"Jaz?" I looked up "Yes, Michael?" He turned to me "Do you wanna go on a date with me? We can go see a movie or... something." I nodded "I would love to." He turned back around and closed out his game, turning on Netflix and laying back on the bed "What do you want to watch?" I shrugged "You pick." He giggled "You're not gonna like it but, okay." he turned on BoJack Horseman and he got in bed with me. I leaned on his shoulder and watched the show with him.

He was right, I didn't really like it.-- At first.

The show was starting to grow on me but the plot was confusing me a little because Ceez already watched up to season four. I was confused so I got back on my phone and wrote a reminder to catch up on the show when I go home. Caesar was just watching but, I eventually fell asleep.

In the morning, I sat up and looked at the sleeping Michael Caesar. I smiled and hopped out of bed, going to his bathroom, brushing my teeth, washing my face, admiring my new hair style, and getting dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and put on my sock and shoes "Michael?" He grunted in acknowledgement and I smiled "I'm going home.." He turned over "Kiss?" I leaned over the bed and pecked his lips gently. He smiled and turned back around "Stay safe.." I smiled to myself "Love you.. see you later." He hummed in response and I grabbed my bag, leaving and walking over to the Freeman's house.

I knocked on the door and Granddad opened the door. "Hey cutie pie!" I smiled "Hey Mr. Freeman! I came to see if Huey or Riley was here?" He let me in "They're up in their room.. or they better be! Hoo-hoo, I caught Riley sneaking in one morning, I grabbed my belt so fast! Y'all girls age out of ass-whoopin's but not boys!"

I chuckled at the thought of Granddad chasing Riley around with a belt and headed up the stairs, knocking on the door "It's Jazmine!" Riley opened the door "What's up, Mariah?" I smiled as he let me in "Oh, Nothing much really. I just came to stop by, say hi and allat st- AH! all of that-!" Riley laughed and hugged me "We really rubbing off on youuu!!!" then he stopped "Yo, you smell like Caesar-" I just stared "Why are you smelling Caesar- why are you smelling me" he rolled his eye "Nigga I'm not sniffing either of y'all I just caught a whiff and YOU smell like Caesar, dawg. Y'all was getting freaky huh-" I sat on his bed and smiled "We were just cuddling. I'm a virgin."

Huey walked in the room "Hey Jazmine!" I waved and he sat down "man, something smells like Michael..." Riley snorted "you're just radiating his energy. You wanna know how energy transfers?" I looked at him "How?" Him and Huey smirked and I just got up "Will you guys just quit it?!" I opened the door and Ameera was standing there. "Hey Mariah..." she walked in and looked at Huey.

"You said you'd help me come up with baby names today.." Huey sighed "I did say that.." I looked at the couple "Are you guys having a baby soon?" Ameera smiled "yes-" Huey groaned "NOOO we are not. Let's be sensible, you know you're just ovulating. You don't want a kid right now."

  Ameera ignored him "Do you wanna be the God mom?" I nodded "Sure.." She smiled "For names I was thinking Nyame or Eshu? Nyame means omniscient and omnipotent sky God and Eshu means 'messenger between God and people, heaven and Earth.' which I think are really pretty names." I nodded "Those are pretty."

Huey glared at me "Don't entertain this. I told you after you get accepted into your school of choice I'd think about it." She pulled out an envelope and handed it to him "They offered me a full ride actually so..." his face went blank "oh."

  Riley started laughing "Ian never seen a nigga trap himself-" Ameera pouted "You didn't think I'd get into George Mason?" Huey shook his head "I didn't think you'd get into George Mason.. yet." she shrugged "Well that's what happens when you don't know your girlfriend has a 5.0 GPA. Congratulations, you played yourself."

  He shook his head "I didn't, I said I'd think about it. Can you wait?" Ameera rolled her eyes "I hate niggas "can you wait?" you said-" He covered her mouth "I said I'd think about it." an alarm went off and he sighed "We can talk about this later, I gotta go to work."

  Me and Riley looked at each other and Huey left and Ameera looked at me "He doesn't get it.. You do, right?" I looked at her "Uhm.. kinda. I don't want any kids right now but, I see both sides. He did say y'all could start trying if you got accepted into the school. Which you did, congrats by the way. So like, I get it. Buttt, I don't know I think you guys should wait."

  She nodded "Y'all are right and I understand that. But it's about the principle." I just nodded and got up "Okay well, I've got to go.." I go to leave again and Michael's at the door "Oh hey Jazmine!"I smiled and hugged him "Hey Ceez, look I really got to go, my dad will be home soon."

  I kiss his cheek and he grabbed my waist "You've got to go so soon?" my heart fluttered a little and I smiled "I can stay a little longer..."

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