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Huey's POV

  Riley and Cindy walked in the room and Riley smirked at me "Granddad leeeeft." I looked up "You wanna get high, huh? You gon have to start paying me bruh.." he sat on his bed "I bring the games in your favorite flavor." I nodded "I do like white peach... Okay okay, we can get high. Open the window and lock the door." Riley went to go close the door and then Jazmine walked in "Oh hey guys!" She smiled and sat down next to Caesar. "Whatcha up to?" I smiled at her "Hi Jazzy, we're not up to much." I said casually as I pulled out my weed and grinder from the bottom drawer.

  Ameera looked at me amused "Y'all be in here getting high?" I smirked "as a kite. It helps regulate my emotions and well, Riley won't gon snitch so I'm like 'What's the harm in bonding with my brother' you know? I think hemp is medicinal." She nodded and sat up, watching me intently as I rolled this blunt.

  Then I looked up at Jazmine "You're not going to tell your dad, right?" She shook her head "I smoked with Riley and Caesar before so I mean. Why would I snitch? Snitches get stitches." I stared at her "What'd they do to you? You were so innocent." Riley grabbed the blunt out my hand and lit it "We don't got time for the chit-chatting. Granddad only went to go play checkers with Ruckus and grocery shop." He took a puff and passed and the blunt got passed around the room back to me. Again and again.

Ameera's POV

  I'm not gon lie. I was high. I was super high and this nigga Huey was looking just finer and finer. Shit, is finer a word? More fine? Shiiiiit, I don't know. I started giggling and Huey looked at me "Princess?" I looked up "yeo." He smiled "Why are you laughing?" I laid back on his bed and just smiled "I don't knowwww! I didn't know you get high." He rolled his eyes "You saw me. You saw Riley. You say how we acted. You really thought we weren't gonna smoke together? I know you did and if you say you didn't, yous a damn lie." He grabbed an Xbox controller and started playing Portal with Caesar.

  Jazmine looked at me and smirked "Princess?" I nodded "that's just what Huey calls me. My name means princess. But only he calls me that" she nodded "so you like him?" I nodded a little "so you like Caesar?" She giggled as she got passed the blunt. "I mean, sometimes." She took her hit and passed it to me. And the cycle continues.

  Riley looked at us "You know we heard y'all, right?" Jazmine nodded "Clearly someone in here can't take a hint." Caesar looked over to her and I mean, the way he stared at her was like a predator stalking it's prey... "what's that suppose to mean?" She smiled innocently "Nothing, Ceez."

  Huey looked at us "What if Obama was a part of the new world order and this was a cover up?" Riley groaned "I thought weed made niggas dumber." Cindy laughed "You is trippin, shortie!" Riley smirked "For real..." I yawned and got under the covers "It's so warm in here..." Jazmine giggled "don't sleep!" I smiled and sat up "I'm awake! I'm up!"

  We all heard the door open and they all started staring at each other. Riley put the blunt out and put it in back in Huey's bottom drawer, along with the ashtray. Huey sprayed some air freshener and unlocked the door of their bedroom.

  Huey and Caesar continued their game and I scooted between them "hi guys." Huey looked at me "Yes Meera?" I smiled "nothing much. Just wanted to look at you. Be close to you and stuff..." he smirked and looked back at his game "Okay."

  Granddad walked in the room. "Hey.  I brought pizza." Riley smiled "okayyyy, thank you Granddad!" He giggled and Huey looked to him, then to Granddad "We'll be right down." Granddad left and Huey got up "Come on." I followed him and rubbed my eyes. He looked at me and his eyes flicked down to my breast and back up to my eyes. "It's so crazy how different you look. Well, you look the same in the face, well you kinda don't but, you- aaah! I can't explain how I feel without sounding like a pervert, nevermind."

  Everyone looked at him and Caesar smirked. "Ameera, he was checking you out." Riley laughed "Leaving Huey Freeman speechless is CRAAAAAZY!" Huey rolled his eyes and went downstairs. Jazmine giggled and walked downstairs with me "What was your relationship with Huey before?"

  I smiled a little "I was in love... l. o. v. e. I was obsessed with him. I was always in that boy's face and he was always in mine.  We were together almost 24/7.  He was always so sweet and kind and just so funny and we were so alike. We did everything together. But then he left. You know the feeling when you really like something and you don't get it for along time so when you get it back, it's like a relapse and you get so excited? That's how I feel about Huey. I'm honestly just happy I have my other half back..." Jazmine looked at me and smiled "that's so sweet." Then I heard Huey's voice behind me "Yeah, it is."

  I turned around and turned immediately back to Jazmine. "Let's go get pizza, yeah?" We went to the dining room and I got a piece of pizza.  Jazmine and Caesar looked at each other and Jazzy just kept giggling. I smirked at her and shook my head, eating my pizza.

Huey's POV

  I watched everyone eat their pizza and for some reason, my eyes just keeps going to Ameera.  She is so gorgeous, she's always been pretty but now she's all grown up and she got so... fine. I've been waiting for the day we reunite and it finally happened and I can't handle myself. I knew old feelings would come up but I never would've thought it could be like this and I can predict anything and everything.

  I'm honestly glad she's getting along with my friends. She's so kind, outgoing, and extroverted, anyone could've guessed that.

  I just started getting paranoid- what if she ends up not liking me and how I am now? What if she ends up liking someone else more than me? I'm not a religious person but I prayed for the day I'd see her again. There's been so much I wanted to say and what if she just falls out of love with me...

  This is why I hate smoking when I already have something on my mind. I always over think. That wouldn't happen right? The only person I've had romantic feelings for wouldn't just.. loose feelings for me. Right?

  I looked up at Ameera who was smiling and laughing with Jazmine. She looked so perfect... I've never wanted to kiss someone so bad or hold someone so bad. Well, I've never wanted to kiss or hold anyone at all except her but, that's not the point.

  My brain just kept running and I just kept staring at her. Caesar nudged me "Dude, are you ok?" I nodded "Are you done eating? Let's go play Mortal Kombat or something.." he nodded and we went upstairs, getting back on the Xbox.

  I rubbed my eyes and looked at him "Ceez, I am down horrendously for this girl. You celebrate Christmas, right?  You know how you're so excited to get your gift and once you open it, your forget about everything else you ever owned? All of your focus goes into your gift?" He nodded and smirked at me "That's how you feel about Ameera?" I nodded and looked over to him. 

"Before I left Chicago I was talking to her. I remember saying 'we don't know what love is at this age' and telling her how much I cared and how 'the universe can't keep us apart' and I think this is what love feels like and I'm very glad I was right. It's just such a weird feeling. In a good way though." He just blinked at me. 

  "You talk a lot when you're high." I chuckled and looked back at the TV. "I know Caesar, I'm sorry." He looked back at the TV too "It's cool, I'm bout to beat your ass in Mortal Kombat anyways." I rolled my eyes "You are not." He smiled "suuure buddy."

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