Chapter 11: Cozy

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Laura walked into the room and looked at the crying demigods.
"Oh no, why are there tears" said Laura gently as she held Hazels hand (since she was the closed to her).

"So is your Canada to Greenland plan still on?" Asked Laura kindly and Leo shrugged, sadly.
"I'll finish making you all dinner then" smiled Laura and before she left, Nico tapped her arm cautiously.

"Yes, dear?" Asked Laura gently since Nico looked scared.
"Can you perhaps- if you don't mind ofcourse- can you pass me the tv remote?" He asked scaredly and Laura picked it off the coffee table and handed it to him.

"Do you mind telling me all your names, I know some of them but I just want to make sure." Smiled Laura, hoping they wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

"Will Solace"
"Nico Di Angelo"
"Percy Jackson"
"Annabeth Chase"
"Piper McLean"
"Hazel Levesque"
"Frank Zhang"

Laura nodded and returned to the kitchen, taking care of children in her childhood home made her think of well...her childhood.


Nico looked from the others then to the tv and they all nodded so he turned on the television, he leaned on Wills chest and watched Brooklyn 99 with all his friends. He felt so sorry for Leo, hoping that watching his favorite comedy would cheer him up.

He enjoyed Lauras company however, she was like a mother or a big Bianca.

It was only 5 o'clock but Lauras cooking seemed so...professional that she needed to start early.

"I wouldn't mind staying here for a week or...two...or forever" said Frank in a muffled voice and everyone murmured in agreement.

Nico held Wills hand tightly, this was the first time in three months that they were all together and happy.


They all sat by the dining room table, while Laura brought put plates of food, ironically she refused help.
They were given Steak, Caeser Salad, Pasta Salad, potato salad and ribs.
They all are their food so quickly that they almost choked.

"How are you so good at cooking?" Asked Frank and Laura shrugged.
"I used to cook for my younger siblings" smiled Laura while she also ate her food.

"So...Laura, if you don't mind us staying here for a few more days..?" Asked Piper and Laura gave an excited note.
"Oh god, now she is never gonna let you leave." Chuckled Leo under his breathe and the others let out small laughs too.

"Well-" said Leo, but he was interrupted by Lauras phone ringing.
"Wouldn't that attract monsters?" Asked Will and Laura shook her head before answering her phone.

"Oh Honey, hey"
"I'm in Washington DC"
"Yeah and nine others"
"No I did not kidnap anyone!"
"You have work and school you can't come"

Everyone jumped at the scream though they still stayed silent.

"You're so stupid, cya later"

"More kidnapped children?" Asked Leo.
"Nah Darcy, I don't understand why she wants to drive a the way here, she has school."

"So you both have school? What schools? Ill be going to college in new Rome but id like to consider for undergrad" asked Annabeth and Laura gave her a smile.
"I'm going to Havard Medical and she's going to MIT"
"Ivy League schools? Thats impressive" said Annabeth, who was rarely impressed by anyone.


Conversations then broke out, Annabeth and Laura talking about schools. Will, Nico and Leo talking about predictions for season 3 of heartstopper (though Leo was cautious about talking to people), Reyna, Percy, Frank and Jason started talking about battle strategies and Calypso, Hazel and Piper started talking about plans for Christmas.

Calypso was happy that they had Leo again and that he was able to tell them whats wrong however she wasn't sure he'd come back to camp....

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