22: Pincushion

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My pillow moved from my hold then his hand stroked my hair. I lightly groaned and wrapped my arms around his waist. Five's alcohol must be wearing off, but I didn't want mine to leave just yet. Five's lips pressed against my forehead next. I stayed in my peaceful state, on the verge of sleep.

"I'll explain the remainder to her later," Five whispered. "Abigail could use the rest."

"You need to be careful with her, all right?" Luther said.

There was a pause of confusion I think. I certainly was confused. "Of course."

"No, I mean it," Luther replied sterner but in an equal hush, "and I'm not just talking about her lack of abilities. You weren't there those years at the academy, Five. You didn't see her grieve your loss or the shit she went through to be good enough for everyone. Don't abuse it."

Five stroked the tips of his fingers through my hair. I melted into the touch. "I won't. I love her."

Luther took a drawn out breath. "You better." Jeez, Luther is really being a big brother here. I still couldn't bring myself to break through the mist and tell them both that my heart isn't something to worry about and I'm not weak like he made me sound. What I went through was nothing. "Okay. When's it supposed to happen? This... apocalypse."

"I can't give you the exact hour, but... from what I could gather, we have four days left."

"Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"It wouldn't have mattered," Five responded.

Luther quietly scoffed. "Of course it would've. We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing." If only it would work that way. More trouble than it would be worth I think.

"For the record, you already tried." I wanted to hug him. Every time he mentions his time in the apocalypse, his entire being changes. I didn't even need to see it. He's hurt... I need to heal.

I deeply inhaled then started the process of detoxing. I could feel the ease of the alcohol wearing off by the second. I hated it, but I need to soberly comfort Five right now. I had my time of bliss, even if it was short.

I groggily sat upright. "Hey," Five whispered, helping me fix my hair in place. I leaned against him with a hug. He hesitated then hugged me back. He didn't let up, holding me to him, so I held him tighter.

"And?" Luther inquired.

Five cleared his throat. I took it as a signal to let go, but he only drew me back to his side. "I found all of you. Your bodies."

Luther squinted. "We die?"

Five looked absent, like his mind was replaying this all in his head. I can't imagine even carrying that memory. He swallowed. "Horribly. Most of you were together, trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world."

Somehow even though I'm here trying to save it now, the fact that I wasn't still lays heavy on me. What if I had been there? Could I have saved it? Could I have saved Five from being stuck in the apocalypse aftermath for forty-five years? I'm already the reason why he jumped in the first place.

Luther took a moment to process this. "Wait, how do you know that?"

I rested my head on Five's shoulder as he retrieved the eye from his pocket, then unfolding the flaps of cloth covering it. "This was clutched in your dead hand when I found you." He tossed it to Luther for him to examine. "Must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down."

Luther raised it to eye level. "Whose head?"

"He already said he doesn't know," I answered for him in a soft grumble.

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