9: Close to Home

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The next morning at breakfast was oddly quiet. Four poured me a cup of orange juice. "Ghostbuster, I appreciate the thought, but I can't eat anything."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. More for me then." He slid it back over to himself.

Five sat down in his spot and those peculiar glances turned to him. He seemed somewhat fidgety for some reason and there were tiny scratches on his fingers. He did something wrong and he knew it. What that was is the question.

"Someone broke Eight's tombstone. Care to comment, Five?" One asked as he cut up his eggs.

Five shrugged, his stare down at his plate. "If I find Someone I'll let you know."

One stopped what he was doing. "We know that you did it. You were the one that threw a hissy fit over it at the funeral."

"And rightfully so! What if you were the one that died, One? Would you want that garbage on yours?" Five spat. "It wasn't me though."

"Who else would have done it?"

"I don't know, but they deserve my thanks," Five responded.

"How did you get the scratches then?" Three crossed her arms.

"I couldn't sleep so I practiced." The scratches must've meant that he wasn't wearing gloves and if I had to guess, he probably went out for Griddy's after for coffee.

I looked around at the others for the culprit and saw that Six was the only one not paying attention to this conversation. He finally looked up, saving Five from the accusations. "I did it. I destroyed that stupid plaque."

"Thank you, Squidward." I gave him a mellow smile even though he wouldn't see it.

One appeared furious though. "Why would you—?"

"Abigail says "thank you,"" Four interrupted and they ceased talking. They did every time he translated something for me. Six looked at my chair and returned a curt nod.

If the room wasn't silent before then it is now. Not even the tap of a fork against their plates or the sip of the drinks sounded.

I sighed. Man I wish I wasn't dead. "Well, this is fun," I uttered.

"No kidding," Four responded in a hush.

"Will you stop talking to her?!" Two spat, "To the rest of us she is dead."

I scoffed. "I gave up my golden ticket for you bunch, asshole." I got up and stormed away, Four watching me leave.

Two slouched knowing what he did when Four got up to go after me. "Wait. I didn't mean it."

I ran upstairs and wished that I could close the door behind me, but what's there to see anyway? I grabbed onto my plant pot and tossed it to the ground. I gasped as I stared at the dirt on the ground. "I'm so sorry," I said to the pothos and tried to gather up the dirt, but of course I couldn't.

"He didn't mean it. He's just aggravated that he can't see you and I can. They all are." Four strode into my room and stared at the scene. "Did you do that?" He pointed to the fallen plant.

I slowly nodded my head with big eyes. "Uh-huh."

Five stormed upstairs next. "Don't listen to Two. He's just an asshole." Then his eyes fell upon the plant. "What did you do?"

Four pointed at me. "She did it!"

Five blinked a couple times. "That is probably the lamest excuse I've ever heard."

"I'm serious! Look." Four gestured for me to do it again. I'm not gonna smash another one of my babies so I tried picking up a hunk of the pottery... It didn't work.

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