3: I Hate Dancing

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"Today, lessons will be different from the sparring that you are accustomed to over these past few days," Reginald announced to the us all lined up by number like usual, except today we weren't in those horrid green jumpsuits, we were in our uniforms.

"Different how?" I shifted my weight to my other foot. Granted, I was thrilled that we wouldn't be dueling again. It was starting to get a little tedious, and tiring. Very tiring.

"Today you will be learning the waltz." There were collective groans from all of us. Nope. I regret my previous statement. Dueling sounds better.

"Why?" Two whined. By his tone, I half expected him to stomp his feet like a child. Sometimes I forget that we are just children.

"It is a time honored tradition and you never know what you may come across when on a mission."

"What, am I gonna dance fight them to the death with killer moves?" I grumbled under my breath. One side of Five's mouth turned up in a brief smile at the comment making me peer at him out of the corner of my eye in curiosity.

"There are eight of you so each of you pair up with someone."

"But there are only three girls." Number Five gestured to us with what looked to be a bit of panic at the thought of having to waltz with one of his brothers. I snickered.

Four skipped over to me and held out his hand. "May I have this dance, m'lady?"

I took it and giggled. "I'd love to." We got into place with big smiles. He'd at least make this whole thing bearable. I didn't miss Five jerk his head a smidge, signaling my best friend to switch him places with Two.

The Séance looked away then left my arms. "Actually, I wanna dance with blade boy." He took off. Figures.

I scrunched my face. "Hey! Rude." I sighed then my eyes rolled when Number Five took his place. "Great."

"I don't like it anymore than you do," he rumbled.

"Try not to step on my toes, would ya?" I sneered back. I had a weird warm feeling about him as my partner in this though. It's not that I wanted him to dance with me by any means. I'm seriously upset with Four for leaving me. His presence was more like that constant that always felt missing when the others couldn't pressure us together.

—Not in a cute way. More like when an annoying ass bird is chirping in your ear all of the time then when it's gone you lose that something to complain about. Nothing cute about him... Nope.

Two looked at Four's giddy face. "Well, you're a better partner than Five at least."

"Look!" Four jabbed his head towards our bickering. Even Two grinned. We always seem to be paired up in this stuff. It's extremely annoying, but now I think I've almost accepted my misery. I don't think they realize that they're only hurting our already horrible relationship.

Reginald turned on the flowy music then demonstrated dancing with Grace for us to copy. Every movement looked so flawless. It had to have been coded into her system.

I looked down at my feet as Number Five and I danced in time with it. Our hands were barely touching each other, hovering over our bodies so that we only made contact when I fumbled to keep Number Five's annoyingly perfect pace or when Reginald was watching.

"Stop watching your feet," Number Five told me while looking anywhere but my face.

I glowered. "Well I'm sorry, Mr. Perfect, but I'm still learning. You're more than welcome to go back to waltzing with Two. I'm sure you'd play the girl's part well."

"Speaking of which, will you let me lead?" He struggled to beat me to the guy's part, my pride leading the dance.

"No," I answered in a sweet voice.

I Hate You Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)Where stories live. Discover now