7: Spar

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I sat on Four's bed before practice started for the day. Five is informing Seven of our plan right now, then he'll talk to Six. I think that it would be wise to keep the circle small in case they find out our scheme and it all falls through the cracks. Why are we doing this again?

Four opened the door and flipped on the light then sighed. He's probably grown used to me randomly showing up that he's developed a tolerance. It's the same story with Sev.

"And to what do I owe this pleasure?" I twiddled my fingers and clenched my jaw. He furrowed his brows and sat down beside me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just... I need help," I lowly muttered.

"Sure anything. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this has to do with your lover."

My eyes fluttered up to meet his then back down. "Five's not my lover," I answered vaguely then there was silence.

I saw in his features that he'd determined at least part of my issue though. "But you're not calling him "Number Five."" I glanced at him again and I didn't deny it. "Ha! It's about time!"

"Shh!" I hissed, "Keep your voice down. I just need someone to vent to about whatever this is."

"Sure, babe, anything." Four sat down beside me.

"Can you help us keep this under the wraps? We're not dating. We're just trying to tolerate each other... and maybe become friends." His entire demeanor was bursting at the seams with joy. "I figured after the incident, it's the least I can do. Just friends hopefully."

He squealed like a middle school girl. "I'm planned your wedding already!" he whisper-shouted. "Are you a rose girl? You seem like a rose girl."

I crossed my arms. "We barely know each other." Technically that's not a lie. That's why we're doing this in the first place.

Four waved a hand, brushing off my comment. "Pfft. Give it a couple days and you'll be an item. We all saw it coming since day one. Five actually asked me to help him three or so years ago... Which I was not supposed to tell you." He bared his teeth.

I exhaled a chuckle. "I already know. I trust you'll keep this secret a little better though." I put a hand on my hip.

Four squealed again and I rolled my eyes with a smile. "So, be honest—did something romantic happen between you two?"

I tapped my teeth together. I want to tell him, but it wouldn't be smart at all. He's not exactly one to keep solid secrets. He just proved that in fact.

"No," I answered, "Just tampering with not loathing each other. The idea is that we'll be like the rest of the family—sitting beside each other without an eye roll, saying hello, not talking only in bickering, you know, normal friend stuff."

Four nodded and deeply sighed. "Gotta start somewhere I guess."

I clapped my hands together and got up. "Anyway. I should go." I blipped out of there and into my room before he could ask anymore questions. I can't believe I just lied to my best friend straight to his face.

I steadied my hanging plants then curled up in my maroon throw blanket. Things were a lot simpler before he kissed me. I don't like feeling.

Five blinked in here as if he had heard my thoughts. "Hey. How did it go with Four?"

I nodded. "Good," I absently replied. "And Sev?"

"Good. I caught Six in the hallway on my way here so he's covered." Five noticed my solemn behavior. "What's wrong?"

I took a slow breath. "Things were a lot simpler when I hated your guts. But how am I supposed to hate you when I don't?"

Five rubbed my back and my initial reaction was still to snap at him, but I bit my tongue and relaxed, cautiously leaning my head on his shoulder.

I Hate You Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)Where stories live. Discover now