Few days pt.7

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She took him to a cloth shop..

Him: What are we doing here?

Her: No question just come.

He followed her

She took him to men's section and asked him to sit

She came in just few minutes with a huge bag of clothes

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She came in just few minutes with a huge bag of clothes

Her: Here you go..
Try them..

Him: Everything!!?

Her: Yahh

Him: No way!!

Her: Please just do it..
He agreed and tried every single cloth from it..
He looked great in every one according to her..

Still they choose few from them as he was getting so irritated

But they were enough for few days

They got cloth for every occasion like party, beach etc...

She then went to women's section and came back in few minutes with bunch of clothes

She then went to women's section and came back in few minutes with bunch of clothes

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Him: What are you??
Like how can anyone get perfect clothes in few minutes??

Her: Haha.. You will know me soon..

Him: Let's go..

Her: You wait here..
I will be back with billing and all..

Him: What?
Let me just buy mine..

Her: Man I said you just be with me and have fun..
I am here...

(She used online payment from her account)

She came back and they went to electronics
This time he didn't asked anything cause he know that he won't get proper answer instead "Just do as I say"

She came back and they went to electronicsThis time he didn't asked anything cause he know that he won't get proper answer instead "Just do as I say"

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