Few days pt.3

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Her: Are you out of your mind???
You were so eager to escape and when we finally had chance you were just looking??
If you want to stay here forever then just tell me..
I will go myself..

She was shouting on him out of anger

The thing was, she made herself look so strong and calm but deep down she wanted to escape asap too.. 

But she didn't wanted to leave him alone.. 

She wanted to escape with him...

Him: I..I-

Her: What I??
Look I am telling you next time if you won't jump, I will go by myself, don't expect me to stay with you everytime.

Him: O...ok

She realized that he got scared so she let it slide and decided to talk to him later about it.

She cuffed their hands again and closed the window

She then told that girl..

Her: I am sorry because of us you have to wait more..
It's ok if you want to go next..
We will wait...

Girl: To be honest I want to get out soon.

Her: Hmm

Girl: But it is because of you I got this chance or else I would have been here crying all alone, So I will wait don't worry..

Her: You sure?

Girl: Yahh ofc

Her: Great!!

Night passed 

The sunlight woke 'em.

The sunlight woke 'em

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Her: Hey

Him: Hii.. I..I am sorry for last night..
I was just so scared that I couldn't do anything..
I know I was so stupid to do that but I..
I am sorry...
And thanksss for not leaving me..
Thank you very much.

That incident just changed his mindset towards her

Now he respects her and appreciate what she did

Her: It's all right and even I am sorry for shouting...
I was just too angry for not getting out..
But look now, you have to trust, trust that we will be alright...
I know it scares even I am scared but we can't get out without courage right?
So please be strong and trust me I will never let you down,
I mean we will be alright just trust god..

Him: Yahh sure I will be ready and I will do great..

Her: Good

The bond between them was getting stronger.

They just knew eachother when they got here.

But now they trust and care for each other.

It is a good step towards friendhsip...

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