Racing to the end

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                                                                                          Y /N POV

I sit on the edge of my seat in the red bull garage as I watch Max and Lando battling for P1. iIt is the last lap and Max tries to go around the outside but Lando quickly defends which forces max wide. Max quickly turns to the inside as they get to the second corner but he locks up forcing him into side of Lando. 

I hear gasps throughout the garage. 

I also gasp as I watch them. I turn to Kelly next to me and I grab her hand. 

Y/N: He will be okay! Dont worry its a small crash. 

She nods slowly but doesn't say anything. She is clearly worried and in shock.  

The girl on the other side of me rolls her eyes at me and Kelly. She then stands up and starts screaming and cheering. 

I see Charles pass them and he gets P1 with lewis behind him. 

Charlotte: Yes my baby!!! AHHHH WELL DONE BABY!

Charles crosses the line first and she won't shut up about it. Charlotte continues cheering and screaming for Charles right in Kelly's face and she didn't even comfort Kelly. 

She is so rude and obnoxious. 

Charlotte: Max and Lando are such idiots!

I cant deal with her anymore

Y/N: Can you please just shut the fuck up. You dont have a fucking clue what you are talking about. 

A couple engineers cheer at my comment which did not help the situation. 

Charlotte gasps

Charlotte: Excuse me?

Kelly: Please stop. It's disrespectful to be cheering and celebrating when two drivers have crashed out. You are also in another teams garage right now so please respect that. 

Y/N: Exactly so please shut the fuck up. 

Charlotte: How dare you. You think you are amazing and so special but guess what y/n. Charles picked me and he loves me! He never loved you and he never will. Kelly agrees with me! Even if she doesn't say it out loud, we all think it. We all think you are sad and pathetic. 

I stare at her blankly until I stand up. Kelly is saying something to me but I cant hear anything. I give Charlotte one last look before slapping her across the face. 

Y/N: Don't ever talk to me again. 

Charlotte: Bye bitch. 

I get up and leave. I can hear cameras behind me but I head straight for the exit. I don't care if the race has just ended I have not said goodbye to anyone. I knew it was a bad idea coming to the race. I walk out of the paddock and I realise I don't even have the keys to my car.

Why is this happening? Why me? I need to leave. 

I walk out the paddock and I walk into Singapore. I stare at the city  in-front of me. I start walking and I eventually decide where I am going. I flag down a taxi and get in. 

Y/N: The nearest beach please. 

Driver: Of course madam. 

I sit in the car and watch as the surrounding area goes by. It is beautiful. It is night time so everything is even more gorgeous and I notice the car slowing down. 

Driver: Madam, we are here

Y/N: Thank you. 

He gets out his seat and opens the door for me. I get out and I take out my purse and realise I only have American dollars. 

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