The club

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Charles retakes my hand and we walk towards Pierre and his girlfriend.

Charles: Hey Pierre! Hey Kika

Pierre: Hey Charles! I'm guessing y/n is your date!

Charles: Yep

Y/N: Hi!

I smile a little that Pierre knows why I am there. Charles must of told him. I smile at Kika and we start talking. Charles and Pierre talk while me and Francisca talk.

After a few minutes everyone is asked to sit down at the table. Pierre, Kika, Charles and I were the last couples to sit. Pierre and Kika find their seats but then we see there is only one seat left. We look around the club and all the other seats are taken by other people.

Chloe: Oh no! There is not enough seats left, maybe Y/N should sit somewhere else!

Charles whispers in my ear

Charles: Do you want to just sit on my lap?

Y/N: Yeah

He sits down and I sit on his lap.

Chloe grits her teeth and I smile at her.

Everyone orders drinks and we all are sitting talking. All the drivers are really nice.

I move around on Charles lap trying to get comfy and I feel charles hands wrap around my hips and placing be down stopping me from moving.

Charles whispers in my ear.

Charles (whispers): Be a good girl and stay still for me. There's plenty of time for this later.

He keeps a strong grip on my hips. Out of the corner of my eye I see the waiter from the coffee place this morning.

Y/N (whispering): Charles

Charles (whispering): What's wrong?

Y/N (whispering): The waiter from this morning is here. He is staring at us.

His grip on you tightens

Charles: Your here with me, he can't get near you as long as I'm there.

He orders another drink, he is on his third and I'm on my second drink.

All the drivers get up off the table and we all go and start dancing. Everyone is a little drunk and not paying attention. I dance with Charles and the club lights hit us perfectly. I move all over him and he watches me. We are both on 6 or 7 drinks now but I can't remember. We dance together. All the drivers are dancing together. Charles went to talk to some drivers a little bit ago but I kept dancing.  I bump into Pierre and he smiles at me.

Pierre: Having a bit too much fun?

We laugh a little and I go try to find Charles.
I can see Charles talking to Max and Daniel and I walk towards them. Before I get to them I see the waiter from this morning standing infront of me.

Chris: Hey beautiful

Y/N: Piss off

Chris: Oh feisty!

Y/N: Move out my way

Chris: No

I push past him and he grabs my hand. I punch him in the nose and he lets go.

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