The big show

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                                                                                  Charles POV

I place my fifth bottle of beer down on the table and I go and sit back on the sofa. It's been two days since she left and I'm still a fucking mess. Ive never been like this over someone. What hurts the most is knowing she cheated on me the whole time. I saw photos of her at the club with him and some other guy. She looked really uncomfortable with one of them but that's not my problem. 

If it's not my problem then why the fuck am I still thinking about her! I hit my hand off my head in annoyance. 

I lie my head back until my phone starts buzzing and I look to see that Pierre sent me a photo of Arthur and Charles. 

The text says

Tell you brother to get away from that bitch. 

I feel anger inside of me as he called Y/N a bitch, but I shouldn't. I then notice that it's my own brother with her and that makes me so fucking angry. In one day she has managed to make me more angry than I have ever been in my whole entire life. I immediately pick up the phone and call Arthur.

Charles: Comment peux-tu être avec elle! Je t'ai dit de rester loin d'elle.

(How can you be with her! I told you to stay away from her.)

Arthur: Comment peux-tu rester là et être une telle garce alors qu'elle souffre autant que toi!

(How can you sit there and be such a bitch when she is hurting just as much as you!)

I scoff

Charles: Ne me parle pas d'elle! Tu ne sais rien d'elle!

(Dont talk to me about her. You don't know shit about her!)

Arthur: C'est vous qui avez commencé !

(You are the one who started it!)

Charles: Vous ferez n'importe quoi pour me faire du mal, n'est-ce pas ?

(You will do anything to hurt me wont you?)

Arthur scoffs 

Arthur: Je n'ai rien fait, alors arrête de m'accuser de conneries ! Arrête d'être un si gros bébé et amène ton cul à Milan!!!

(I didn't fucking do anything so stop accusing me of shit ! Stop being such a big baby and get your ass to Milan!!!)

Charles: Pourquoi devrais-je le faire? C'est fini, nous avons fini.

(Why would i do that? It's over, we are done.)

Arthur: Tu sais qu'elle n'a pas triché, arrête de te mentir, dis-lui la vérité.

(You know she didnt cheat, stop lying to yourself, tell her the truth.)

Charles: Dans quel but? Elle a pris sa décision! Je ne peux rien faire!

(What is the point? She made up her mind! I cant do anything!)

Arthur: Bien sûr vous pouvez! N'abandonnez pas.

(Ofcourse you can! Dont give up.)

Charles: Je ne sais pas quoi faire Arthur.

( I don't know what to do Arthur)

Arthur: Vous savez ce qui est bien, faites confiance à votre instinct. Je dois y aller. Je t'aime.

(You know whats right, trust your instinct. I have to go. I love you.)

Just before he hangs up I hear her voice and my whole world stops. 

I need to do what is right. 


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