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Lewis is currently P3 in qualifying and George P6. It's not the best result but there is nothing to do about it. Red bull still has to run so that will almost definitely knock them down some places.


Y/N: DAD! Chill out! It will be okay! I have to go the bathroom now but you chill out.

Toto: Okay the ones in this block are broken but go to the Ferrari block next door and just say you are Y/N Wolff and they will let you in.

Y/N: So you afford multi million dollar cars but not functioning toilets?

Your dad glares at you as a few engineers laugh

You leave the Mercedes garage and head towards Ferrari when someone completely bumps into you and you fall to the ground.


?: Holy shit I'm so sorry!

You look up and see someone in a Ferrari drivers suit. You recognise him. You can see he recognises you as well.

?: Shit your dad is going to kill me.

You hated only being recognised for your dad in the F1 world.

You finally placed him. It was Charles Leclerc.

Y/N: Forget about my dad. Im gonna fucking kill you.

Charles: Okay........ for a second let's not threaten to kill anyone and go make sure you are okay.

He offers you his hand but you slap it away and stand up yourself however as soon as you stand up your knee gives in and you collapse again but this time Charles caught you.

Y/N: I was fine you didn't need to do that.

Charles: I know I was just making sure

He helps you limp over to the Ferrari garage. As you are leaving you see Lewis standing outside the Mercedes garage looking at you and Charles. He jokingly gives you a thumbs up and a kiss and you widen your eyes in embarrassment hoping Charles didn't see.

Charles then sits you down in the Ferrari garage.

Y/N: um this is kinda awkward but I came to use to bathrooms here because the Mercedes ones are broken so I might do that first.

Charles: Darling its fine, they are just up to the left.

You blush a little when he called you darling. Luckily Charles didn't notice. You usually do not blush or fall for guys easy but something made him seem so desirable.

Mercedes PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now