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You go down to your car and get your suitcase. You had this suitcase in your car as you were staying in the hotel and always keep it in your car just in case you need something wherever you are.

You take it up to your room. Charles is sitting on his phone. You quietly go into the dressing room which is attached to the room. You change into the first dress, which happens to be a silk red dress with a slit going to your lower thigh. You come out of the dressing room and Charles immediately drops his phone in awe of you.

Charles: Wha- You loo- Um

He struggles to find words and you laugh a little. Charles this is the first dress I have other ones you know.

Charles: No, this is perfect. You look so fucking beautiful right now.

You blush a little but then you try and pull charles up.

Y/N: Now my prince, it's your turn. Go show me what you are wearing.

Charles: I like that name

Y/N: I thought you would

You smile at him and he goes to change.

You lay on the bed waiting for him to come. While you wait you check instagram. You see you have alot more notifications than usual. You see alot of your friends texted you. You go and check Lewis's message.

                                Lewis ❤️❤️❤️




                                            I'm gonna do it now!

You go to check his insta and straight away notice the problem, you distinct nails and distinct ring are in the story he didi at the hospital. Just a day ago you posted your new nails on your story so everyone knows it's you there.

Y/N: Shit, Shit, Shit

You start panicking, your dad is going to kill you, paparazzi is going to be swarming you.

You put your hands on your face and fall back into the bed and sigh loudly

Charles: Do I really look that bad? 

He jokingly tells you. You didn't even notice him come into the room. You sit back up.

Y/N: fuck, you look really hot.

Charles: Well, it's all yours

Y/N: Charles we have a bit of a problem

He looks at you slightly disappointed from the changing of topic.

Charles: What's up? Is everything okay?

Y/N: You know that post you did on Instagram, well it hand my hand in it.

Charles: Shit, but it could be anyone's hand though.

Y/N: um my fans recognised my nails from my instagram post a few days before this.

Charles: You know what let's just forget about that for know and go on our date.

Y/N: Yeah I agree but we are going to have to avoid social media for the next few days.

You and Charles agree and he guides you to his Ferrari. He opens the passenger door for you and you get inside he shuts the door and then gets in the driver seat.

Charles: You ready princess?

Y/N: Ready as I'll ever be

He pus the car into gear and speeds off.

Y/N: Bloody Hell,  Leclerc you drive fast.

Charles: We'll it's kind of what I do for a living.

You laugh a little, he puts his hand onto your thigh again. You look up at him and see him smiling as he is looking onto the road.

Y/N: You still haven't told me where we are going.

Charles: I guess you will just have to wait and see!

Y/N: okay well then you are just going to have to wait and see until later as well.

You try and take Charles hand off your thigh but he only grips tighter

Y/N: Charles Marc Hervé Percevel Leclerc, you don't get to tease me and make me wait for our date, unless I can do the same.

He laughs and turns to look at you, he stares into your eyes and you feel your stomach turning.

Charles: Do you still want me move my hand?

You shake your head and turn back to look ahead.

Charles: Good girl.

He strikes your thigh with his thumb and smirks too himself. He slowly moves his hand higher closer to your panties.

You hold his hand essentially stopping him.

Y/N: Wait till tonight darling.

Charles doesn't go any higher but he leaves his hand where it is, which is dangerously close.

Charles: We are here, shut your eyes princess.

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