It might have been longer than anticipated..

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"What do you mean withdrawals? I thought Kai didn't take anything that bad?" Lloyld asked, confused, Zane had told the others of the events that happened last night.

Kai was forcefully resting his body in the infirmary while the others sat through Zanes over explanation of drug addiction problems.

"Well, Kai might have been lying or, the alcohol he was consuming had been more of an ongoing thing than we originally thought." Zane said, "He's going through withdrawals because he hasn't been drinking like he used to, his body needs the substance to function normally." The nindroid explained.

"So that's why he got all crazy." Jay muttered.

"But we can't give him that substance obviously." Nya added, quite bitterly as well.

"So is he just going to have to suffer through this then?" Cole asked, he knew the consequences of drug addiction but he had never seen someone actually go through it. It was scary seeing Kai beg like that for something they couldn't give him.

"Well, yes and no, there's a procedure they do at the facilities, where they allow the addictors to have small amounts of the substances so they don't suffer as much." Zane explained. Now that got Nya's attention.

"What! We can't do that!" She shouted.

"Hey hey, calm down, let Zane explain further." Jay said, rubbing Nya's shoulders in an attempt to calm her to a reasonable level. The team put their focus back onto Zane.

"As I was saying, it could lessen the pain of the withdrawals and could be an even more effective way of getting him off the need for substance." The nindroid explained, Lloyld sat there in deep thought. While Nya was obviously making it harder for the young leader to make a decision everyone can agree.

"Cole, how bad was it last night?" Lloyld asked, Cole's response would make it easier to decide. Everyone turned to Cole, waiting to hear it. The dark boy nervously dragged his hand through his black hair.

"Last night was scary. I heard some ruckus and went to check it out, then I saw Kai on the floor shaking and laughing to himself. Which was entirely weird, then-" Cole hesitated, "-Then I saw the pills on the floor and, I rushed to make him spit it out which caused Kai to uh."

"Freak out?" Jay interrupted.

"Yeah, and he just started to cry. I didn't know what to do so that's how he ended up in the infirmary- high? I think. I'm not sure." Cole said, his expression changing to a concerned one.

Lloyld nodded, he knew that Kai's suffering is not what the team wants, yet Nya's the only one that seems to be content with the idea of her brother being entirely substance free even with the consequences of it during this time of rehabilitation.

"I know you don't want him on stuff anymore but, last night was not the Kai I knew when he gets desperate." Cole started, "-I, I don't want to see him like that again, clinging onto me like he was going to die right there and then." Cole was frightened by the events of last night. Everyone could see it in his eyes as he spoke.

Nya stared at him for what seemed to be hours long, a debate in her thoughts before she sighed and nodded. The opposing side clearly won.

"I don't like seeing or even imagining Kai like that," The girl let out an exasperated sigh. ",so I guess we'll be able to do it the facility way." She said swiftly, turning her gaze away from the team.

Lloyld clapped his hands, tearing the tensions away from the room.

"Ok then, Zane, do you mind explaining to Kai about our decision? I need to speak with Uncle about it." The young leader asked. Getting a humble nod from the nindroid.

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