Vacation mann

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Wack. Wack.

The sounds of idiots wacking each other grew more apparent, Cole was watching Jay and Zane train from atop next to Sensi Wu who he had requested to speak with. Thinking of earlier events Cole wanted to ask Sensi Wu for a possible break from being heros.

"The crew need a break Sensi, Lloyld needs to catch up with school work, Zane and Pixal have projects to work on that could help with our current mission, Jay wants to check in with his parents, Kai and Nya need to check in with their and get their situation resolved." Cole rambled. Sensi hummed, taking a sip of tea.

"And what about you Cole? Is there something you also need taken care of?" Sensi Wu asked. Zane had just beaten Jay and Kai was next up to train, a bit of a wobble in his walk.

Cole furrowed his brows at the sight. "There's some stuff I want to get into." He vaguely said, he really didn't have much he needed to do but check in with his dad.

Sensi Wu nodded, caressing his beard. "I've been giving the idea some thought for a while, and I believe you are right Cole. The team would benefit from a break." Throwing his hands up in joy, Cole thanked the old master and rushed down to tell the others.

Master Wu watched as the others all cheered and began discussing their vacation plans. His old eyes drifted off to Kai. Master Wu had noticed a behavior change with Kai for some time, this wasn't the first time he had seen this behavior in Kai and he hoped this little vacation would do him some good.

Sighing deeply, the old master furrowed his brow at the young man before turning away from the ninja.

Watching Master Wu from the bottom, Kai grew worried. Had the old teacher caught onto Kai's lies and figured out the truth already? 'No, there's no way he could have figured it out so quickly.'Kai reassured himself. In an attempt to shake the feeling off Kai grabbed his small water bottle and drank.

"Kai, we should totally visit mom and dad!" Nya happily suggested. Kai hummed, putting his water bottle away.

"Yeah we totally should, should we get packing already?" Kai responded, the siblings didn't have the luxury to spend time or bond with their parents ever since they had found them with all these missions.

"Yes! But how long are we going to be staying and how long is this vacation even going to be for?" Nya asked. Cole shrugged.

"I'dunno, Sensei Wu never told me how long it would be." Cole continued, "We should ask him during dinner tonight though, for now let's finish with our last day of training." Lloyd groaned out loudly.

"I've been watching you all train so much can't you just start vacation today?" The young boy complained.

"You do realize this vacation is more of a vacation for us than you right?" Jay said, Kai snorting at that.

"That's true green bean you still got school!" Kai laughed, Lloyd groaned even more, covering his face dramatically.

"By the way, how are your studies coming along? Do you need help with any of them?" Zane asked the irritated child.

"Whose turn was it to homeschool Lloyd this time? Nya asked, since attending an actual school would be too difficult the ninja opted out for homeschooling Lloyd whenever they got the chance too, which in this case whenever they got vacation.

Zane looked through his files on Lloyds schooling and read the information.

"Since Kai had homeschooled Lloyld last time it's Coles turn to, and look at that you've passed your middle school schooling! You're now in high school education." Zane read, providing a few confetti for Lloyds graduation from middle school.

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