Man imagine going grocery shopping

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Apparently Kai's stupid enough to think he'd go grocery shopping by himself when the chef of the bounty had been the one to request the chore.

As Zane and Kai approached the store, Zane gestured to the carts asking Kai if he'd go grab one while he got a head start on getting stuff. Being the good friend Kai was, he went to grab the cart.

Kai's earlier headache hadn't subsided in the least. Grumbling as he angrily grabbed the cart handle.

"Stupid Kai stupid Zane.." He grumbled to himself, looking for the nindroid as he entered. Finding Zane at the whole foods area, strolling up to see Zane nitpicking at a few bell peppers with multiple plastic bags in his hand.

"FSM why is it always cold in supermarkets?" Kai angrily thought, slightly warming his hand and rubbing them around the pale red sweater he wore.

As Kai stood there waiting for Zane  to finish picking and bagging veggies while his headache worsened. Getting more annoyed with each kid screaming and by the clutter of noise with Zane changing each veggie he picked.

'Why was picking vegetables so hard when all you have to do is look at it?' Kai thought. He and Nya had never really checked their produce and just picked whichever one looked the best, living in a small village with locally grown food never made Kai think twice about the vegetables he was given.

Zane must have noticed Kai's pain and annoyance, so he gently took a hold of the cart. Seeing Kai's irritated face, Zane didn't want to deal with Kai's wrath so he thought of suggesting something.

"Why don't you go and find more medication for your headache, Kai?" He asked, carefully bagging the veggies he selected. Literally beaming at that Kai walked away without a word, leaving Zane to laugh at his actions.

Speeding off to the medical side of the store, Kai had gotten a text from Zane asking to grab more bandages and medical supplies for the bounty. Kai, getting annoyed at having to do more, went back to the entrance to grab a basket.

Walking through each aisle looking for the needed supplies from Zanes list he had sent to Kai. Stopping for the bandages he picked a large set cause they're all a bunch reckless idiots and manage to get hurt in the weirdest way possible.

"Alright..what's next.." Kai muttered to himself. Scrolling down to see the next item being sanitized alcohol. A thought itched his brain for a second.

'Maybe I should go buy some later.' Kai  thought, before shaking his head. He knew if he continued having his late night 'water' he'd probably gain a bad habit out of it. Unfortunately the thought invaded his mind as he searched for the other things on Zanes list.

Finished with his supply run, he walked around to find Zane already playing for the groceries. Offended, Kai shouted.

"Zane! Why are you paying without me!" Trying to walk past an elderly woman next to Zane as she put her groceries onto the small treadmill.

The nindroid looked at him annoyed."I sent you five texts which you ignored all of them apparently so I opted out to abandon you." He responded.

"Ok fair but you could have called me." Kai said. Zane sighed as he gave the cashier his card.

"I called you three times Kai and still no answer. I'll give you the card but I'm gonna go unload the groceries into the car. Don't take too long and please remember you have a phone for a reason." Zane replied. Taking his cart full of groceries before handing Kai the card. Annoyed, Kai apologized for cutting in line and went to the back.

Kai, now alone and even more irritated, basket full of supplies and money. Only one thought came to his mind.

'Another bottle wouldn't hurt.'

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