Mann I am so tired

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Jay stood in front of the burned debris of what was the beloved blacksmith shop. Struggling to keep his witty remark from making Nya feel more horrible. Cole and Lloyld had arrived before Jay, seeing the fire still blazing was a sight.

"It's sorta repairable?" Cole shrugged, still shocked from the fire earlier.

"I mean, not like it didn't need a fixer upper- Ack!" Jay yelped, rubbing the spot of his head where Cole had previously smacked him.

"Could be worse, you're lucky the main structure of the house is intact." Zane reassured the parents finished with his scan of the building.

"We will still take extra care in properly checking the foundation." Pixal added, Pixal and Zane came as quickly as they could when they heard the alarm go off.

"That's good to hear." Maya said, wiping ash from her face. Nya sat dejectedly next to her mother. Even with her elemental powers she couldn't completely stop the fire from spreading, the grass and trees were burnt as a result.

"At least we got here quick enough so it didn't spread to the village." Cole attempted to reassure the dejected Nya. The girl nodded, eyebrow's furrowed, her mind coming up with all the ways and reasons for why her brother acted. Jay awkwardly patted Nya's shoulder, looking back to the burned house.

"Yes, at least the townsfolk didn't suffer from our son's actions." Maya addressed, she still hadn't fully processed the real damage.
Meanwhile Ray was being treated for his wounded hand by the young leader.

"How did this happen?" Lloyld asked, using his big boy leader voice. Ray weakly laughed.

"It was a conversation that led to something else." The older man continued, his eyes glazing over. " A conversation not meant for children over the age of eighteen." The man chuckled.

Lloyd nodded and asked, "What ticked Kai off this badly?" Finishing the bandage wrapped the way Zane taught him.

"Well, me and Maya wanted to ask him a few questions about some things he did long ago." Ray said, avoiding the main reason. Lloyd knew the old man was avoiding something.

"Look I'm not gonna press it Mr. Smith but I need to know if it's because of something dangerous or just a personal thing. I don't want to be making the same mistake you did." Lloyds words were harsh for a kid but who could blame him? The situation was indeed a very serious one.

The old man sighed deeply, shaking his head. "I believe it's a personal thing, I have my own idea of what it is but all I know is that when I asked, Kai blew up."

"What was it? Your idea?" Lloyd asked curiously, his childish demeanor coming out. Ray shook his head, he wasn't sure if the young boy would want to hear that his 'older brother' was a substance abuser. Remembering what Kai had screamed at him about made Ray's answer a tricky one.

"Kai's... going through some stuff right now, I'm sure if he wanted you to know he'd tell you. I don't believe I'm the one with the right to talk about it." Ray answered, playing the fight over in his head, 'Yes, this is what Kai would have wanted, not being talked about behind his back.' Ray thought confidently.

"I see." Lloyd nodded, not happy with the vague answer, "I'm going to contact Master Wu about this, and be sure to reapply cream to that hand every two hours, ok?" The young boy said before leaving to fill the team in.

Cole was examining the road tracks on the ground where the vehicle would have been parked. Zane pulled his holographic map out, a red dot blinking in and out.

"Don't have any leads on exactly why Kai flipped out but I do know it's something personal." Lloyd informed everyone, hesitantly, Lloyed looked towards Nya. "Do you think you'd know?" He asked her.

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