BC84: Consumed (Menagerie)-3

Start from the beginning

Then she stopped short.

The captain, who had been there to guard the system, was lying in the hallway--dead, from the look of it.

In the control room, looking at dials and wires, was Mino.

"It's that inbred Faunus." Mercury really shouldn't have led with that.

Mino turned to look at them, and his tail twitched. "Black?" he said. "I'm surprised you're here, not with your girlfriend... Oh, right, she's probably dead by now. Nice and toasty."

"Why, you--" Mercury stepped forward, and Pyrrha stuck out her arm to stop him.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "Why aren't you trying to escape?"

"I am escaping, you twit," Mino said. "Everyone on this ship is too scared to come out of hiding except you two. We'll be long gone from here by the time they dare to come out."

"If you start this thing, they'll come out," Mercury said.

"Well, I have insurance for that." Mino shrugged. "You two are in my way."

"I'm about to be more in your way," Mercury said. "Give me one good reason I  shouldn't just waste you right here."

"You could hit some pipe and blow this whole tub sky high," Mino said.

That was a good reason.

"You guys are so pathetic," Mino went on. "It was so easy to sneak on here. You were all too busy crapping yourselves because of the Deimos. This plan really was brilliant on Mala's part. I do have one question though--what did you do with Sand? She never met up at the house. Did you guys already arrest her?"

"I think he means that woman they brought in," Pyrrha said.

"Yeah, I got that." Mercury frowned. "Why should we tell you? Maybe we killed her."

Mino frowned. "That would be unfortunate for you."

"Let's not lose our heads," Pyrrha said. "She's still alive. They were trying to save her from the grimm. I'm surprised you're not bitten yet.""

"I fled those little suckers. I would have thought they'd be smart enough to do that also," Mino said. "Well, take me to where they put her, or--" He held up something. "I'll set this off and the Grimm will be all over this ship. It'll probably sink."

"Then you sink also," Mercury said.

"I can find another way," Mino said. "I doubt you can. There's some nasty Megas out there."

Megas were the name for the big Grimm, shark things that swam around the channel.

"Of course there's no need to resort to drastic measures," Pyrrha said. "We can take you to her."

Mercury gave her a look of disbelief. He was sure they could take this guy. But she frowned at him.

He stayed quiet.

They slowly led Mino up towards the ship's version of a brig. Every Argus ship had one. Though it wasn't that fortified.

They had put Hypnosia in there, and she hadn't put up a fight.

Mino had the device in his hand still.

[Okay, so for those who had not Googled it yet, Hypnosia is from Hypnos, Greek God of sleep. Her last name, Somnus, is the Latin god of sleep, and her alias Sand is a reference to the Sandman. You probably figured that one out already though.

Mino is, of course, a reference to the Minotaur.]

"Hyp?" Mino called.

She peered at the door's window. "Mino? What are you doing back here?"

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