[19] Congratulations

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Gloria's match showed just how skilled she'd grown since our practice battle a month ago. Even in a month, she'd bonded with her Pokemon and unlocked their potential. She was in sync with every one of the Pokemon she sent out, and she easily won the Gym Badge.

When Raihan's Duraladon was down, I could see- even from a distance- how proud she was. Of her Pokemon, and of herself. I was proud of her as well- proud that such a talented trainer had the opportunity to do such an amazing thing.

This was not her last roadblock, though. I shot a sideways look at Leon, who looked positively ecstatic- it was almost like he'd been jolted by a Thundershock, vibrating with energy from head to toe.

He knew just as well as I did that this meant he'd finally get to battle against the two. I knew how excited that made him.

Leon practically burst out of the box, sprinting down to meet Gloria and Hop outside. "Leon, wait!" Sonia yelled, running after him. "You're gonna get yourself lost!"

Nessa rolled her eyes, beckoning for me to follow. "Those two are their own breed of chaos." She observed, rolling her eyes affectionately at Sonia. "C'mon, before we lose them in the crowd." I laughed- Leon was, indeed, his own breed of chaotic energy.

Nessa moved quickly, swiftly weaving between people trying to leave, asking for a picture, or just being in the way.

The noise of the crowd cheering, people bumping into me, uneaten popcorn and half-finished drinks being spilled overwhelmed me. I looked up and realized that I couldn't find Nessa, and I couldn't see the tall figure of Leon anywhere.

I panicked, my pace increasing and my heart pounding in my ears. I felt unshed tears start to prick behind my eyes, and I angrily squeezed my eyes shut. I couldn't yell out; the crowd of people talking excitedly would swallow up my voice.

"Did you see that?"

"I can't believe.."

"I always knew she'd pull through!"

"Such a shame.."

Suddenly, something yanked me up and out of the crowd, startling me so badly I lashed out with my hands.

"Ouch, hey! Leo, it's me! Quit it, you aggressive spitfire!" Leon's startled voice caught me off guard, and I opened my eyes.

Sure enough, he was the one who was precariously lifting me out of the crowd. I had a split second to marvel at the fact that he was able to lift me up with this much ease before he swept me into his arms bridal-style. "L-Leon!" I was already overstimulated by everything happening around me. The closeness of him and the fact that I could feel the heat coming off of his body and his weirdly sweet cologne-

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run off like that." Leon mumbled in my ear, just quiet enough so that surrounding people couldn't hear. "I got way too excited about the kids beating Raihan, I just took off."

The rise and fall of Leon's chest as he both weaved through the crowd and whispered in my ear was grounding, and I couldn't find it in myself to be pissed off at him. "It's ok," I said, resting my forehead on his shoulder and taking deep breaths. "I just wasn't as outwardly excited as you were."

Leon ducked into a locker room, which turned out to be where everyone else was gathered. "There you two are!" Sonia huffed, sounding slightly annoyed. "You disappeared on me, Leon."

Leon set me down and crossed his arms. "I wasn't gonna leave Leo to flounder through that crowd out there." he protested.

"You two are so cute together." Nessa observed cheekily.

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