[14] Mega Evolution

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The next day, Leon and I had both subconsciously decided that we needed to get out of the house.

Maybe it was how I was pacing back and forth in my room, unable to get last night's conversation out of my head. Leon practically burst into my room, looking just as claustrophobic as I felt. "I've got some stuff to take care of in Hammerlocke." He said, awkwardly standing in my doorway. "But I don't wanna leave you here for the whole day."

I raised an eyebrow at him, my pacing paused. "You're bringing me with you?" I asked dubiously. "Won't I get in the way?"

Leon shook his head. "I've already told Rose that you'll be hanging around the studio. Hopefully he doesn't send Oleana to keep you company." he shivered at this "Oleana" character's name.

"Are you sure?" I felt my expression crease into worry. "This Chairman Rose guy.. I've searched him up online, and he... I don't know."

Leon sighed, his shoulders rising and falling in a shrug. "I can't keep leaving you alone, especially 'cos-" he cut himself off, closed his eyes, and inhaled through his nose. When he opened his eyes again, he had a peeved expression. "I feel if I leave you home, there might be a few unwanted visitors."

I let out a breathy chuckle. "Raihan?" I guessed. Judging by his expression, I was right. "Alright, I understand. So, we're leaving now?"

Leon leaned back on his heels, an unusually thoughtful look on his face. "We could, but we'd be fairly early." He stared out of my window, watching the Rookidee flutter around the windowsill. "Maybe I could show you around Hammerlocke a bit?"

I wrinkled my nose at him, although the thought of that made my stomach flutter with anxious, happy flips. "I floundered around Motostoke for a solid two days- I think I'll find my way around THIS strange new big city." I replied wryly.

Leon narrowed his eyes at me, a bemused expression on his face. "I can't tell if you're joking or not."

I scoffed, standing up to leave the room. "Come on, Lee. Even if we're early, you might get us lost." I pulled out my Rotom and had it hover near my face, pulling up the map of Galar. "Have you called a Flying Taxi?" I asked him as he scurried to follow me.

"Oh-" he sounded surprised. "Uh, I can do that now."

I stopped, patting my hip. "Hold on, I need to grab my Pokeballs." I said, turning back to my room.

I grabbed my belt, the heaviness of it comforting in my hands. I brushed my finger over Gengar's ball, thinking about the possibility of being able to Mega Evolve her in the future. My hand went to the Keystone hanging on my necklace. Mega Evolution required a strong bond between the trainer and the Pokemon, which was something I didn't have with her yet.

There was a tap on my window, and I jumped. Leon was there, a slightly impatient look tugging at the corners of his mouth.

I blinked, and rushed out of my room. I looped the belt around my waist, fastening it. As soon as I made it to the front door, it swung open for me. Leon beckoned for me to exit, gesturing to the waiting Corvinight. Wow. The Flying Taxi service- whoever runs it- is certainly efficient.

During our flight there, Leon started an unusual conversation. "I saw you had a Mega Stone on your necklace." He observed.

I shot him a look. "I do." I responded. "Why?"

"Well.. I was wondering where... where did you get it?" He asked, confusion flickering through his expression. "I thought that the Paldean League didn't use Mega Evolution."

I shook my head. "They don't. The only reason I have this is because my father is Kalosian. He studies Mega Evolution, and he was lucky enough to come across this Keystone. Whenever he finds a new Stone for a different Pokemon, he sends it to me."

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