[16] I'll Take Care of You.

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[Usually I wouldn't post twice on the same day, but I'm currently sick and I wanted to write some sick/comfort for me. I had to stay home from school today and I'm honestly missing my friends like crazy, so this is to fill the void for me]

 I woke up the next morning with a splintering headache, a stuffy nose, and my throat burning.

I was awake for thirty minutes, but I didn't go out into the living room. I knew this was weird for me to do. Unless I had stayed up late the previous night, I was up around eight. It was currently 10:02am.

I heard the door creak slightly, and Leon poked his head in. His hair looked messy, like he hadn't taken the time to brush through it. "Leo? Are you alive in here?"

"Muh." I more or less answered, rolling over. The blanket was in a heap on the floor, and my skin crawled wherever my clothes were touching me.

Leon rushed into the room and rested a hand on my forehead. His cool, strong hand. "Oh, jeez. You're burning up! Hold- hold on, I'll be right back." he practically ran out of the room, and I could hear him rustling through cabinets in the bathroom.

When Leon came back, I was sitting up and rubbing my eyes, trying to force the sleep out of my eyes. It didn't help though, as it still felt like my eyelids were weighed down with cinderblocks. "Lay back down, lay back down!" Leon hissed at me, pulling the blanket over me.

"No..." I shoved the blanket away, shuddering slightly. "It's way too hot.."

Leon fumbled with some of the things he'd brought. He wrapped an ice pack in a towel and rested it on my forehead. Then he unscrewed a bottle and poured a bit of it in a small cup. "Drink this." he held it out for me to take.

My face scrunched up in disgust, jerking away from him. "It smells so bad.." I muttered, batting his hands away.

He sighed. "Trust me, you need to take this. It'll make you feel better." he insisted.

I growled in my throat, hissing at him. "No it won't!"

Leon's face shifted, and he looked like he was trying to stifle a laugh. "Did you just... growl at me?" He asked, his shoulders shaking slightly.

I wobbled slightly, blinking slowly. "Mnno..." I muttered, flopping down onto my pillow. "That wasn't me."

Leon nodded. "Yeah, of course it wasn't." he brandished the medicine cup at me. "Drink it, and I'll get you some fast food of your choice."

I eyed him suspiciously, then took it and drank it. "Urghh.. That tastes disgusting."

"It'll make you feel better."

I turned slightly, trying to hold eye contact with Leon. My entire body felt sore and horrible shivers spread throughout my body. "I miss... mi mamá." I mumbled. "She'd.. Know what to do."

Leon hesitated, looking unsure of how to respond. "Your.. mum?"

I nodded, my eyes welling with tears. It hurt to cry, but I couldn't quash them. "She always made everything better."

I thought of times when I was little. My mom brushing my hair. Gently cleaning a scrape on my knee and putting a bandaid on it. My mom helping me cut my hair. My mom coming home with men's clothes and helping me throw out my old wardrobe. My mom squeezing my hand and giving me encouragement as the doctor inserted the needle into my lower back. My mom holding my hand as I slowly fell into unconsciousness, waking up in the hospital bed as a whole new person.

"Well..." Leon's gentle voice cut through my blurry memories, and I felt his fingers gently wipe the tears from my face. "I know I'm not your mom, but how can I help? What do you need? I'll get you anything you need or want."

I blinked at him, feeling confused. "Why... would you do that? I'm- I'm just some guy. Y-you have more important things to do, right?"

Leon shook his head. "No. I have the day off today anyways. This is the most important thing to me right now- While you're with me, your health and safety takes priority."

My face went hot, but it wasn't due to the fever. "Sorry... I don't want to be a burden.."

His hands cupped my face, and I jumped. The sudden contact startled me, but I didn't pull away. "You aren't a burden. You couldn't control getting sick. Let me take care of you, ok? I want you to be ok." he ducked his head slightly. "You being ok means more to me than my free day."

My chest squeezed, my heart squeezing against my ribcage and shoving the air out of my lungs. "A-alright." I mumbled, biting my tongue on everything else I wanted to say.

Leon brushed the hair out of my face and pulled the blanket up to my chest. "Sleep some more, it'll make you feel better. I'll turn on the fan and leave the ice pack on, alright? I'll stay in the room just in case you need anything, so you ask me if you need anything. I'll order some food..."

He kept talking, making sure I knew that I could ask him for anything. His voice was soothing and was like honey in my ears. I knew I drifted off eventually, but it was like I could still hear his voice even in my sleep.

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