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Guess what?

The text from Charlotte comes in, surprising me. I didn't think she'd be up yet, let alone already have some news for me to guess at.

Tell me.

Guess. She texts back and I roll my eyes.

What could have possibly happened at 7am?

*shrugging emoji* She really wants me to guess. It must be good news.

You're pregnant.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Found another street dog.

No, but speaking of Moony, I miss her.

We'll go see her as soon as you're cleared.


That's all she types before I hear a knock at the door, quickly typing out a "be right back" to Charlotte in case whatever this is takes a minute. I feel my phone vibrate with a reply as I slide it into my pocket and walk to the door to open it up.

There stands Charlotte in all her glory. I immediately notice my ability to see her beautiful face and the lack of a mask over her mouth. I feel like I haven't seen her pink lips in too long. Her eyes are bright. Good news, then.

"Guess what?" She asks cheekily, staying where she is, just out of arms reach and grinning.

"Cleared?" I ask, my eyes lighting up.
Her expression mirrors mine and she nods, spanning the space between us and leaping into my arms. She wastes no time pressing her soft lips to mine in a sweet kiss that has taken far too long.

The last time we kissed, the weight of a goodbye was felt by us both, and this time, Charlotte's been cleared to go about her life, careful for now but it's a reason to be hopeful.

Her lips taste like bubblegum and I suck the taste of her tongue, desperate to have her closer to me. She pulls back slightly and I chase her lips. "No strenuous activity for another two weeks," I kiss her again. "Can one have sex un-strenuously?" She asks and I pull away, laughing at the seriousness in her tone.

"No, we're not having sex for the first time while I worry about whether or not I'm going to hurt you."

"I heard it always hurts."

"Not like that and you know it." I hold her biceps and look into her eyes. They're still playful, but she's pouting about my firmness.

"Do you think we could do what we did last time? In a way that is somehow less strenuous?" She whispers, leaning in close. I hug her tight, kissing her forehead.

"I don't know. Yes. Maybe. I'm not doing anything until I talk to your doctor myself."

"Hey, you can't take my word for it?" She slaps my chest but she's still smiling, both of us are still standing inside the entryway and we're smiling at each other like fools.

"No." I grab her fallen bag and turn my back to her, walking into the kitchen to start cooking breakfast for us both.

"Okay before you start that, hear me out." She says and I stop what I'm doing, leaning on the open door of the fridge to look at her. "What about a shower? Super relaxing and get this...not strenuous." She exaggerates her words and I roll my eyes, the corners of my lips tipping up again. I close the door of the fridge and walk towards her again.

"Last time we showered together—" She covers my mouth with her hand and I watch as her cheeks turn pink.

"There will be none of that. A relaxing shower. Where we wash up. But together."

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