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"Yeah. Agreed. Wow." Alexander says from my side, his hand brushing mine as he steps forward, glancing teasingly at me, and returning his attention to the loft.

Maddison shrugs. "Alright, you've seen the place. The dog has seen the place. Do you want me to do you a favor or not?" She asks exasperatedly and Alexander widens his eyes as if saying "we need this" as I give him my best eye roll.

Moony joins Maddison at her side, sitting on top of her foot and chewing on something she probably shouldn't have. Well, at least she likes her.

"I'm seriously trusting you with this. She's really important to me." I admit, holding my elbows. Maddison rolls her eyes but bends down to pick up the puppy.

"I know. As if I'd ever do anything on purpose." She says, looking into Moony's eyes and pouting. "She's fine here with me until we can figure something else out," She says and I nod. That's all we need.

"Thank you." I force out, looking off to the side before I feel an elbow nudge my side and I meet her eyes, giving Maddison a nod. "Can I..." I reach out a bit and she easily sets Moony down on the floor, very gently which I approve of, so that she can come to me. I call her over and she clumsily bounds over, rubbing herself against my hands as I talk to her in gibberish, not caring about my audience.

"Cute," Alexander says, and I look up from my squatted position to see him looking right at me. We have a small staring contest until Maddison's voice breaks us out of it.

"So how long have you two been fucking?" She asks bluntly and I choke on air. Alexander also does the same and where I turn my wide eyes to Maddison, he turns his away from both of us.

"We're not..."

"We haven't..."

"Right." She says disbelievingly, shoving her hands into the pockets of her basketball shorts and walking off as her curt way of...dismissing us? Giving us time alone with Moony? Together? I'm not sure.

"So I guess we should say bye to the little one then," I say, interrupting the slightly awkward silence.

"Do you want to go on a date with me? Tonight? I don't have anything planned but we could wing it?" Alexander asks after seemingly thinking about it for the entire length of the car ride back to the dorms. I stifle a giggle at his nervous words.

"Alright. Let's do it."

"Starting now?" He asks and I nod. He looks contemplative for a moment, furrowing his thick eyebrows. "Okay pick one of the three. Mini golfing. Movie. Or beach," He says and I nod, thinking it over. I must think too long because he starts humming the Jeopardy! song.

Smacking his arm, I say "beach," with a smirk. When he pulls up to my dorm and I get out, with all the confidence I have, I close the door and lean with both hands crossed above my head to look through the passenger window. "Meet you back here in twenty minutes?" I ask, fluttering my eyelashes and he nods. "See ya." I wave, walking away and feeling his eyes on me until the second I'm out of sight. Never once do I hear his loud engine start back up or drive off.

Rushing up to my room, I braid my hair and look through the drawer meant only for swimsuits, of which I have more than enough to choose from, yet none of them feel appropriate. Which one is a date bikini? Do I wear a more modest one-piece, leave something to be imagined, or do I go all out? Something in between? Why the hell did I pick the beach?

"And I need clothes too." I wail, stripping down and trying on bikini after bikini, making sure that everything is managed on my bottom half, and once I finally pick one, going simple, I put a sundress over top and a baseball cap on my head, throwing everything I may or may not need into a beige tote bag. Slipping into sandals, I'm out the door with one minute to spare.

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