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Speaking your mind the moment a thought pops into your head can have its own repercussions. In my case, I'm pretty damn sure that I want Charlotte, but in what capacity...I still need to figure that part out. Giving her hope for more may have been a mistake on my part but honestly, looking at the way her face lit up from my words and feeling the way that I do about it, I highly doubt it.

There's no more convincing myself that I don't want her. The moment those words came out of my mouth, I knew them to be true. I knew far before then, I just didn't want to admit it even to myself.

Her emerald green eyes stare into mine, shocked and hopeful and I can't help but reach out and run my knuckles gently along the smooth skin of her face. Turning back to the front to pretend to focus on the lecture while I actually collect my thoughts, Charlotte picks her jaw up off the floor and seems to do the same.

"Come to lunch with me after this?" I ask, not turning my head to face her but feeling the heat of her stare on the side of my face. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see her nod her head. Until now, Charlotte has been the one making all the moves and putting in the effort to know me, it's about time I do my part to see where this could go and how good it could be if I give her a chance.

"Yeah." She says almost breathlessly. "Okay."

I smile. "Okay."

"So...um." She gulps down her nerves and now that I'm allowing myself to look at her this way, I find it endearing as hell how nervous she is when she's always been outgoing and straightforward. "Did you really mean what you said? Because I know that you know how I feel about you." She says, her voice growing smaller as she admits her feelings.

"Charlotte look at me." She does, her eyes immediately darting up to meet mine. "I wasn't lying. But now isn't the time or place to get into it. Spend some time with me." I say, looking around the crowded cafeteria and feeling quite anxious. What an awful idea this was; all I want is to spend some time with her without excuses or other people around.

Although, thinking about being alone with Charlotte now is equally intimidating for an entirely different reason. She cuts off my thoughts with a smile. "Yeah, okay. I would like that." She says, biting her full lips together to hide a smile, which in turn forces me to do the same.

"Happy Birthday, by the way," I say and I get those gorgeous eyes on me again, mesmerizing me for a second.

"Thank you, Alexander. I didn't even make my wish yet and it already came true." She smirks, back to her usual self and I can feel my cheeks begin to turn red.

"Okay, cheeseball." I wave her off but can't stop the chuckle that escapes my mouth. She's grinning now and each second that I look at her and spend with her, I find myself thanking my decision to speak before thinking earlier, something that I usually pride myself on never doing.

"I was actually meaning to ask you. I need to figure out what to do with Moony. Reed said I should ask you but I didn't want to put any pressure on you..." She says, looking hopeful.

"Hey, of course, you can ask me. I actually have an idea but I'm not sure you'll love it. At first." I add, smiling sheepishly. She looks at me with narrowed eyes but nods so I continue. "So...I happen to know someone who has space and a little bit more of the freedom needed to take care of a puppy. With help."

"The way you're omitting the name leaves me to believe that I know this person and won't enjoy hearing who they are, Alexander." She says and my mind blanks for a second when my name leaves her mouth with her accent wrapped tightly around it. I blink a few times.

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