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I hang up the phone and breathe out a sigh. Of relief or frustration, I'm not sure. Moony climbs onto my lap after struggling for minutes to climb up the couch, nudging my hand with her head. Giving in, I pet her for a bit as I think about the situation, trying to make sense of how I feel about it.

On one hand, I'm relieved. Aaron has been deemed fit for transplant, and he's given up quite easily on dancing, something he didn't realize was making him unhappy and hurting him. He's giving himself a chance to heal, and helping his sister in the process. He wouldn't be the same person if he lost her without doing everything in his power to stop it.

On the other hand, the person I spend the most time with other than Reed, the person I've grown to care about, is going through an operation of sorts, the kind that carries risk for his health and his life. Something could happen to him that can't be reversed, and though it's not for nothing, it's not an essential procedure for him. That's my selfish way of thinking about it at least.

I sigh again, seemingly full of them, and proceed to roll my eyes at myself. My only witness to this turmoil is Moony, the blue pitbull puppy, and my roommate for the foreseeable future. Deciding to take my frustration and channel it into something productive, I change my clothes and make my way to the gym, wrapping my hands the second I swing my leg over my bike and step off, bag over my shoulders, and helmet placed on the seat.

"Welcome back boss," I'm greeted the second I approach the ring, one fighter I've never seen before is already inside with my favorite trainer. As a former UFC champion, it was hard to recruit Miguel until he met me personally and the two of us found a mutual friendship of sorts in each other. We slept together once before realizing we'd be better off as business partners and he's now happily engaged.

The fighter in the ring eyes me up in my thick sports bra and black muay tai shorts, hair pulled back in two braids tight to my head. I didn't bother wearing any protective gear on the way over because of the short distance, my frustration adding to that decision.

"Don't fucking look at me unless you want me to climb up there and embarrass your ass in the ring," I say as I move past the two, finishing wrapping up my hands and heading to the staff room.

"I'd be happy to show you the way around the ring, Princess. All you gotta do is ask," He calls out after me and I don't give him the satisfaction of causing me to stop, let alone even acknowledging that I'd heard him. I'll kick his ass when I'm good and ready.

After throwing my bag into my locker and changing from boots to boxing shoes, I take only my gloves and my water bottle with me back to the ring where the fighter is showcasing his almost fast, almost decent technique against his trainer. They aren't even sparring and he's still trying to show off. I smile the moment his eyes stray to me and Miguel goes on the offense, using his pads to slap the guy in the face for pulling focus.

"Ryan! If you can't keep your eyes off of her when she's outside the ring, what do you think is going to happen when she's in it with you?" Miguel asks him, but the cocky fighter seems to have an inflated sense of skill and just by looking at him, I know I can knock him down a peg or two without breaking much of a sweat. He's scrawny anyway.

"She's...petite," He says in response, giving me a smile that makes my eyes roll and a blank expression takes over my face. I don't bother pretending the like the dude, and as Miguel holds the ropes open for me, I give the guy a glare that makes him blink in surprise.

"No airhead act for this one?" Miguel asks me, stepping out and standing in the corner. He helps me with one glove while I tighten the other with my teeth, never taking my eyes off of my opponent. Ryan seems a little unnerved and I get a sick sense of satisfaction at the thought.

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