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I take the stairs as quickly as I can and I can hear his heavy footsteps thundering behind me, over the bass of the loud music playing in the other room.

Giggling, I crash into an empty bedroom, void of all light except for that of the moon illuminating the tastefully decorated room, at least from what I can see. Farris is right behind me and inside the room before I can move to close the door, walking me backward toward the wall and trapping me there with a hungry look. I can just barely make out the features of his face but the glint in his eyes is unmistakable.

"Had enough time to think?" He cocks his head.

"I thought we could test out your theory?" He's still looking like a predator, looming over me this way, but my offer stumps him. "Lane told me what she asked you," I tell him and his smile slowly unfurls.

"Did she now? That's against the rules," He tsks, his forearms coming up to rest beside either side of my face and caging me in, making me feel simultaneously on edge and protected.

"But it got us here..." I point out.

"No. We would've ended up here anyway. That's what you wanted all along isn't it?" He asks and my lips part.


"Reed," He looks at me like I should know but I'm perplexed as to how he had me looking like a fool all night, playing that he couldn't guess my intentions the whole time. "We don't exactly hide it very well."


"Everyone knows I want you but you, babe. And I knew as soon as you took me to a house party to get a drink."

"How cringey of me," I say to myself, distracted by the embarrassment that I was that transparent while floundering around trying to work up the nerve to ask him to—"What are you doing?" I ask as his hands slowly slide around my waist, tickling the bare skin there, and gradually moving down to the small of my back.

"Getting a better look at this skirt. I haven't been able to keep my eyes off of it. I swear you had me following you around everywhere on purpose." His hands grab and bunch the material, making my heart stutter.

"I did not, but that's a good idea for next time."

"Let's just focus on now," He says and I nod dumbly. "What do you want, Reed?"

"I thought you knew. I thought it was so obvious," I sass and he smacks my ass, the satin barrier practically nonexistent against the force of his strong hand.

A quick gasp escapes my lips. "Where'd that filter go? Thought you found it earlier."

"Guess I dropped it on the stairs," I challenge him with my eyes.

Farris steps the slightest bit back, his eyes moving from mine to my neck, tracing the lines down to my chest. "What do you want, Reed?" He repeats and I step into him, wanting to be close to him again, shivering when his warmth is removed.

"I already told you. You."

"I know you want me babe, and you got me upstairs. Now what?"

"Kiss me," I say, but it sounds more like I'm begging with how breathy my voice comes out.

"You don't have to ask for that," He nibbles at my lip, looking into my eyes still. Sighing, I give in to the feeling, pressing against him and closing my eyes. My arms wrap around his neck and we're all mouths and hands. Farris' hands in my skirt release their grip, moving down my hips and sliding down my thighs. His arms are so long he barely has to bend and I open my eyes, looking into his as he lifts me up like I weigh nothing to him.

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